Chapter Ten

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Merlin watched the sun go down while walking behind the knight. He still thought the sunset was one of the most beautiful things in the world when it turned into all shades of red, leaving everything were the sun rays touched, glisten in a reddish colour.

Andrew stopped in front of him so quickly that Merlin needed to make an awkward jump to avoid bumping into the knight, so after that, he immediately turned his gaze into his feet so the knight wouldn't see him blushing. He took a few deep breaths before lifting his head to meet the knight eyes. "So what you wanted to talk about?"

Before the knight said anything, he looked around nervously like someone could be spying on them. "I need your help. It's about my son." After saying the word 'son', his eyes filled with sadness.

The prince already foresaw that the knight wasn't needing help in some little thing. Andrew wasn't going to ask him to just play with his son. But he was still hoping it wouldn't include someone getting hurt.

What he didn't anticipate was that things were going to be a lot worse than someone just getting hurt.

"What about him?" he asked.

Andrew inhaled and said: "Your brother, he has taken him." Merlin's eyes widened. Of course, he was expecting something bad but again, his brother showed how cold he was. Merlin's fists clenched when he thought how somewhere his brother was assaulting a little child.

"Don't worry, when we attack the kingdom and defeat my brother, we will release all the prisoners he has." While Merlin was talking the knight started shaking his head in disagreement.

"I received a threatening from him that he would torture him all day if I didn't ..." the knight ran his hands through his hair before continuing. "If I didn't ... kill you" he whispered.

Merlin's muscles tensed but he didn't move. The knight would have already tried to kill him if he was planning to. And Merlin could easily take him down so he waited for the next move from Andrew who was again glancing around them.

"I hope you know I would never even consider doing that," he said trying to sound convincing. After Merlin had nodded he continued. "But I hope you could help me save my kid."

It didn't need any observation from the warlock. Of course, he would help. It was his fault his brother had taken an innocent child. "I will help."

The knight's whole body relaxed. "Okay, let's go we're in hurry," he said quickly before leaving to the direction where they had come. But Merlin stopped him by putting an arm in front of him.

"We can't leave right away," he explained. "We don't even have a plan."

Andrew glared at Merlin. "We need to leave tonight because the order was that you need to be dead tomorrow," he said crossly. "If your brother hears a single rumour about you being alive, my son is doomed."

Merlin knew it was the truth. They didn't have time for some kind of master plan. They needed to sneak inside the castle, get to the cells, find Andrew's son and get back. Furthermore, after all of that, they needed to take over the whole kingdom from his brother. But what could go wrong?

Just about everything.

"We have to tell James where we are going," Merlin admitted making a relieved grin spread on the knight's face.

While they were walking back to the camp, Andrew was telling about some plan but Merlin wasn't listening. He was trying to spot Arthur somewhere but he guessed they had escorted to their tents. They were going to get good night sleep which made him a little jealous.

Then he heard the voice he had been waiting all these years. "Merlin!" He turned his head to see the man who shouted and immediately freeze in his place. He couldn't believe what he saw. His brother had changed over the years. His facial features were more cutting and his gaze hold more accountability and exhaustion even though now they fill up with happiness after Merlin smiled. "James," he whispered.

He didn't realise he had started forward before his brother crushed him. They hugged each other tightly. It wasn't normal for them but now he didn't know how else to show how much he had missed him. When they parted he noticed how tall his brother was. They were at the same hight all though years ago Merlin had always been taller.

"You have changed," James breathed while looking at his appearance.

"So have you," Merlin answered still grinning.

"Where have you been? How you're here? How is this possible? What–" James blurted out and was cut off by Merlin's words.

"Slow down," he smiled. "I've been in Camelot."

James's smile dropped. It was arguably the last place he expected Merlin to be. After all, in Camelot magic was banned and sorcerers were executed. "Camelot?" He said in disbelief.

"I've been Arthur's manservant," Merlin stated giving his brother more astonishment.

"You? A servant? You mean for that king who just arrived?" His brother repeated still confused.

"Yeah, we thought it was the perfect place to hide," Merlin confirmed. Now his smile faded because all the memories from that night came back to his mind. He saw how James aspired to ask about it but now they hadn't time. So he continued: "But it isn't the right time to talk about it. I'm going on a mission."

Merlin begins explaining how Andrew had asked for help and how they decided to sneak into the castle. He could tell that his brother wasn't happy about the danger he was putting himself into. James was even offering some back up for them but both of them knew it was easier to get there with a small group so only Merlin and Andrew were going.

After they were prepared, James ushered them to the exit of the hideout.

"Remember, if we are not back until the midday, something has gone very wrong."


Helloooo beautiful people! I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated in a long time. My motivation run out and I didn't have money to buy more but now I got some from a friend of mine so these updates are coming more frequently!

So here was the extra-long chapter for you! Any thoughts? How about the mission, is it gonna go well???

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