Chapter Four

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The secret prince tried to ignore his knights' shocked faces, hoping they wouldn't mention anything. Apparently, his hopes were too high because right away he heard Ethan's astonished voice.


Merlin's heart skipped a beat. He showed a death glare to Ethan that clearly meant he didn't want anyone to know his identity.

"What?" Was all Arthur asked. He had thought the words were meant for him.

"Uum nothing. I just...wanted to thank you," he stumbled trying to come up with an excuse.

"You're welcome," the confused king said slowly.

"Follow me if you will," Merlin said and rushed out of the room. The knights of Airasan bowed to the king and followed him.

Nobody said anything until they had reached the chambers and Merlin had led them in.

"My lord?" Sir Lancelot almost whispered. Merlin met his unsure gaze and smiled.

"Nice to see you, Lance," he said. The tension broke and his friend's' faces filled with happiness and surprise. Only the two other knights Merlin didn't know were still baffled.

"What happened, my lord?"
"I thought you died?"
"You have been in Camelot?"

The room was full of loud questions. The not-so-lost prince listened to his friends' enthusiasm until he raised his voice.

"Hey, slow down!" He was about to continue when he was pulled to a big group hug.

"It's just so amazing to see you," Sir Noah stated and all nodded in agreement.

"You are prince Merlin Emrious of Airasan. My lord," the other one of the knights Merlin didn't know said while kneeling down. Others followed the example and bowed deeply to their prince.

"Please, forget the formalities. We are all friends here," Merlin said with a frustrated tone. He had forgotten how much it had annoyed him when anyone used his title. He wasn't special compared to the others.

"How can you be alive?" Harry asked.

Merlin told, how Will and their physician had drugged him and then, how Will and his mother had escaped with him to Ealdor. All of them were listening intensely to his story.

"And then my mother decided I should leave to Camelot," he finished.

"Is Will still in Ealdor?" Noah asked.

Merlin's face fell and he just said: "Dead." The knights' smiles faded. "He died about two years ago."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Noah said sadly.

Merlin wasn't in the mood to talk about Will's death so he tried to change the subject.

"What about my brothers?" He asked. He already had heard that his younger brother, James was safe in the hideout but he didn't know what had happened to his elder brother.

"You don't know who overwhelmed the kingdom?" Lance asked with a surprised tone. Merlin shook his head. He noticed how his friends looked at each other.

"What? Who was it?" He asked quickly now fearing that he might not like the answer.

"It was your brother, Keane, sire."

When Merlin heard his older brother's name his heart stopped. It couldn't have been him. No, it just couldn't. He was suddenly hoping that Lance would say he was joking but he remained silent watching Merlin's reaction. Merlin was shocked and of course, feeling betrayed. Tears were building up to his eyes so he tried to wipe them away.

Then, the door opened and Gwaine walked in with Percival. They were laughing at something before they landed their eyes on Merlin and the knights of the other kingdom.

"Is something wrong?" Gwaine asked. The warlock was shaking his head while collecting himself.

"Well the king sent us to get you to training," Percival told to Merlin after eyeing them suspiciously. "You can also join if you want," he added to the knights. The secret prince left the room saying nothing and leaving Gwaine and Percival in confusion and the others with concerned feelings.


A black-haired man was sitting on his throne and waiting. It was the prince Keane Dion of Airasan who had crowned himself to be a king of Airasan after overwhelming the kingdom.

He was knocking his rings on the armrest impatiently. The waiting was unbearable for him. He had to know if king Arthur Pendragon was going to stand against him. He would make the whole Camelot pay if that was happening. Now one could defeat him.

"Has the knight sent any new information!" He yelled to his servants.

"No, not after the message that they had arrived at Camelot, my lord," one of the servants said bowing deeply.

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