Chapter Nineteen

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This is a double update so make sure you read the eighteenth chapter first!

Merlin's head was pounding. He had no idea how many hours he had been alone with the giant. Keane had ordered him to make 'Merlin enjoy his trip in Airasan' and he had absolutely proven his talents in beating skills.

Now he was finally alone in the cell. Well, not so alone because five knights were guarding in front of the bars.

In another cell, he saw Tom and the women from earlier. They had tried to protest when the giant was kicking Merlin but after the knights threatened to give them the same treatment, they hadn't said a word. Merlin couldn't bare to look at them. The hope in their eyes had been placed with dark disappointment and he knew, he was the reason because he had broken the promise to get them to freedom.

Trying to find a comfortable position was hard. Every cell in his body was aching. He had to open his eyes to make sure the hell was indeed over and the giant was gone. Tomorrow, his skin was going to turn into all shades of violet. If he even saw the next day.

Thinking positively, only his rips felt like they might be broken. It could be results of the kicking to his stomach.

But now alone, the dark thoughts took over.

Because he had failed.


Tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision.

'Why he ever thought that he could make a good king?' He had had doubts but still there had always been a tiny bit of hope in his mind. He had hoped that one day he could be looking at Airasan and be purely proud to say he was part of that kingdom. There all citizens could live without fear of losing their loved ones, practice beautiful magic and feel completely safe. Keane would be stopped and Merlin could rule with his brother James.

And... Arthur. Merlin's dreams had always encountered one problem. He had no idea how he could spend time with the king of Camelot and at the same time, reign a kingdom.

Not a problem anymore. Those dreams were crushed and tossed to the bin by who else than his lovely big brother. The hatred towards him had reached the point where Merlin was ready to kill him. It didn't matter if they had the same mother. Keane had already crossed all lines.

Heavy footsteps neared the cell. Merlin closed his eyes again. If the hell was continuing, he wouldn't make it.

Keys tinkled and opened the cell. Strong hands lifted him to a standing position and begin to drag him away.

Merlin slightly opened his eyes to glance at the other cell. For some reason, Tom and his friends were bowing at him but it didn't make sense. They should hate him, not show respect.

One of the knights slammed their sword on the bars, trying to stop them from bowing. Turning around the corner, the last thing Merlin saw was the three of them still in their position.

"I hope you enjoined that because it was the last bow to you that you'll ever see," the giant said, his voice full of sick pleasure.

Merlin didn't feel like answering while they kept going. He put a lot of weight on the giant's arms and with another hand, he held his rips trying to ease the pain.

The giant took him to the same place where he first saw his brother. Keane was sitting on the throne. It must give him the joy to be the one in control so he has to sit on the throne just to show everyone, he can.

His smug smile grew when Merlin was forcefully brought to his side.

"Merlin, I heard someone has been looking for you. So, would you like to greet our guests with me?" Keane asked with fake enthusiasm.

"No," Merlin hissed. He looked around the room but there where only a few knights and them. He prayed that Keane was lying and he didn't actually have his friends.

"Don't be rude. Of course, you want to see them. Let them in!" He ordered the knights standing by the door.

Merlin watched in horror as a familiar golden-haired figure was escorted in. Beside him walked Elyan.

Arthur's eyes immediately found Merlin. He took in Merlin's appearance and clenched his fist after seeing the bloody and bruised servant.

Merlin smiled a little trying to assure he was fine. His smile faded after more people entered. Six knights of Airasan, were bringing Gwaine, Percival, and Leon. They didn't look well. Leon had a cut on his cheek and Gwaine was limping.

A quick glance at Arthur conformed that also he was surprised. If their plan was to get all of them dead they had achieved their goal.

"Very nice to meet you!" Keane started. "It's always wonderful to meet Merlin's friends."

All of them had now their eyes on Merlin. He could almost sense their confusion while they stared at him. They still thought Merlin was an ordinary servant.

"You must be Arthur Pendragon," he slowly said walking closer. "Must say it was a poor choice to come here. Merlin, surely, you can confirm that" he smiled at him.

From a distance, Merlin could see how Arthur's jaw clenched. "Let Merlin go. He's just a servant."

Keane's laughter filled the air. He might think that Arthur was joking or trying to lie to get Merlin out of this situation but it wasn't the truth. Arthur and his knights still didn't know about Merlin's past. He had kept it as a secret for so long that it had been starting to feel normal. Being the servant was normal and not as troublesome as being the prince. And it had been fun while it lasted. But now. Keane would reveal his identity on purpose or accidentally.

"Seriously, he hasn't done anything to you. Let him go," Arthur was getting desperate.

Keane stopped laughing. He looked at Arthur with thoughtful eyes. "Oh, you're not joking," was all he said.

"Of course I'm not joking. Let him go!"

Keane turned to Merlin, questioning look in his gaze. "Why he doesn't... oh, you haven't... you..." Realisation flashed behind his eyes, growing a knowing grin on his face.

Merlin's stomach wanted to crawl up his oesophageal. Although, he hadn't eaten anything which made vomiting a lot harder and left him only with nausea.

Keane came to his side and took a hold of his dark hair, bending Merlin's head backward. "Maybe we should enlighten our friends. Although I'm not sure they are going to be your friends after that," he smiled like a maniac.

Arthur and the knights had been watching in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Arthur questioned.

"Just deciding that we should tell you something," his smile grew even larger. "Because this Merlin here isn't a normal servant. At all, right," he said glancing at Merlin. "You want to know why?"

No one answered him.

"Because he's the prince Merlin Emrious of Airasan."

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