Chapter Six

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Hello humans. Here's the next chapter and plenty more Merthur. Enjoy🙌🏻

The king of Camelot walked into the stables where he found Merlin, who was putting a saddle for one of the horses. Other horses were already prepared.

"Oh, hello Arthur," Merlin said after noticing his presence. Even though Merlin was smiling, Arthur saw right through him. He was clearly upset about something.

Arthur stepped closer so they were just inches away. They were alone in the stables and he felt the tension between them.

"Why you're sad? Has something happened?" He asked quietly. "I swear to God if anyone has done something to you, I will..."

"No, I'm fine," Merlin interrupted him.

"You don't look fine," Arthur pointed out. Either of them didn't say anything for a moment. Arthur was desperate to know what Merlin was worrying. He wouldn't stop asking until the old sarcastic manservant was back.

"I'm just tired," Merlin finally said. His blue eyes looked straight in Arthur's. And Arthur just couldn't take it anymore. Merlin's sadness was crushing him from inside and he wanted nothing more than cheer Merlin up. He leaned closer and crushed his lips to Merlin's. His hands found Merlin's waist and pulled him closer. He already began to fear that Merlin didn't feel the same because he wasn't responding. But his doubts were gone after he felt Merlin's hands taking a hold of the back of his head and Merlin kissed him back.

Arthur pushed Merlin to the wall and kissed him desperately. There was nothing else in the world that mattered. Only Merlin. And he had finally found the courage to show his feelings to Merlin.

Eventually, Arthur pulled back a little. The kiss was over too quickly but both of them needed to catch a breath.

They were panting when a sound of laughter was heard from outside. Arthur loosed his grip of Merlin just before the knights walked into the stables. There were the knights of the round table but also the knights of Airasan. Luckily they didn't notice that something had happened between the king and the manservant. The knights just continued joking about something.

"And then Elyan shows up and also slips on the ice," Gwaine tells laughing. "And then we were all just laying on the ground." All the knights are now laughing for it.

At least it looked like all of them were getting along well.

"Are you all ready to leave?" The king asked. And after everyone said they were ready, they took their horses and went outside.

Arthur was hoping he would have time to talk to Merlin but others were around so he couldn't say anything. However, Merlin seemed happier and that was the most important thing.

He got on his horse while keeping an eye out for Merlin. He was petting his horse when one of the knights of Airasan came to him. Arthur wasn't sure about the knight's name but he believed it was Sir Lancelot. He didn't like the way the knight was looking at Merlin. Like they knew each other very well. He seemed to be too friendly. And Merlin dared to smile at him with a wide grin.

"Okay, let's go," Arthur said aloud to everyone so Merlin and the knight would have to stop talking.

When everyone was ready Arthur led them out of the citadel and they started their way to the Airasan.


A forest was filled with a sound of galloping when twenty men rode through it. They were all dressed in black and even their horses were black. They were the knights of the king Keane.

The one who was leading them was a king-sized man with a long brown beard. He was feared among all the other knights and the people because there were terrifying rumours like for example he had killed his own father when he was only 14 years old. No one knew if those rumours were true or not. But neither did anyone want to find out.

Their mission was simple. Kill the king of the Camelot and everyone who travelled with him. King Keane's commands were always simple. And it was the one thing the leader liked about the king.

Now they had reached the forest near the Camelot so the leader raised his hand to inform others to stop. They had had precise facts about where the target was going to ride so now they just settled on their hiding places to wait for them.

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