Maul loses his memory (description)

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I decided to post this just to give y'all an idea of what the book would be about if I started writing it. Tell me if y'all like the idea!


Maul loses his memories in an accident, so Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan take him as a prisoner to see what the Jedi council wants to do with him. No one knows if his memory loss is temporary or permanent.

Seeing that he's no immediate threat, the Council decides to try and train him in the ways of the Jedi so that he wouldn't turn back to the Sith.

As he goes through training, Maul begins to question himself. He's surrounded by positivity, something that feels strange to him and he doesn't know why. Troubling thoughts plague his mind as his memory slowly pieces itself back together. The life he does not remember is filled with hatred and chaos.

Will he revert back to his old self? Even after the kind treatment he's received from the Jedi?  Or can he truly change for the better and be who the old Maul never could?

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