Din Djarin headcanons cause I love him

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Okay, I'm just gonna start off by saying these are headcanons that I came up with. If you don't like them, that's okay, but please don't be rude about anything. These are just for fun since Din is one of my main comfort characters :)

Now, onto the headcanons!

- He has no idea what a period is, but will get you whatever you need when you're on it
- He may be street smart, but he's not very book smart (that doesn't mean he's stupid)
- He's the kind of guy who would fiercely protect your drink at a bar
- He learned how to sew so he could fix Grogu's little cloak
- He uses old spice deodorant
- He would totally poke his head into your room to check if you're awake (like the dad he is)
- His morning voice is all deep and raspy when he first wakes up
- He loves to give good morning kisses
- He's a cuddle-bug despite his grumpy attitude
- He can't cook to save his life but tries to anyways
- He acts all soft when he's around you, but tough in public
- When his helmet is on, he lightly taps it against your head to give you a kiss
- He gets embarrassed easily
- After arguments, he leaves to cool off for a bit but always returns to apologize
- He cries during sad animal movies

I could go on and on, but I think I'll stop here 😂

If you want more headcanons, just say so! I'll gladly post more lol

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