Bad Batch cadet headcanons

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I'm thinking of writing a fic about the time the Batch spent as cadets. Here are some headcanons that I came up with!

- Enhanced Senses (Hearing, smell, etc)
- Being around too many noises/smells at once can overwhelm him to the point that he has a panic attack
- He is very good at tracking while also keeping his presence unknown
- The Kaminoans put him through rigorous training to test the limits of his mutation, often until he is utterly drained mentally and physically
- Even as a cadet, he was the leader of the group and worried about their safety first
- In the beginning, he struggled with paranoia stemming from his heightened senses. Every noise made him think there was a threat. After a while, he learned to control it
- He kept his hair long because it made him feel different
- The bandanna that he wears is one of his most prized possessions. He likes that it makes him stand out. It also hides the bruises he gets from testing

- Enhanced intelligence
- Despite being smart intellectually, he has a hard time communicating with others in conversations. Hunter usually fills in for him
- When he does speak, he is very straight to the point and often brutally honest
- His training consists of extremely difficult tests and constant quizzing involving questions way above any normal child's skill level
- He becomes frustrated and shuts down completely when he doesn't know an answer, even if he isn't currently in testing
- He finds comfort in his datapad when none of his brothers are awake at night to be with him

- Enhanced sight and marksmanship
- His enhanced sight makes him scared of the dark, so Wrecker often lends him his plushie to comfort him
- He is obsessed with performing perfectly in his training, which stems from the punishments he often receives for performing poorly
- While he seems rather standoffish, he does have a heart. He's mean because he doesn't want to be seen as weak
- If he thinks he didn't do well during a test, he'll mentally beat himself up by saying he isn't good enough
- Although he doesn't say it, he absolutely loves his brothers
- He won't hesitate to fight if needed
- Rooms with bright lights can give him headaches

- Enhanced strength
- He is learning how to be more gentle
- He is not stupid, he just has a hard time learning things. The Kaminoans make him feel like his strength is the only thing that makes him useful
- He sleeps with a plushie (and sometimes cuddles with Crosshair) because he's scared of the dark
- Every time he accidentally breaks something, he feels guilty
- His fear of heights became a prominent issue after a particular training session where he had to climb across a simulated ravine on a rope that moved side to side. The Kaminoans told him it was real and that he would die if he fell, knowing he would believe it. He was so scared that he actually lost his grip and fell. He spent a week in the Medbay with a few bruises and broken ribs.
- Besides his fear of heights, he's also scared of spiders and deep water
- He is fiercely protective of his brothers and, being the biggest one, will fight anything that threatens them

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