More Din Djarin headcanons cause I love him

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Here's some more Din Djarin headcanons cause why not

- He always hogs the pillows and blankets in bed
- He's either super dramatic or extremely stubborn when he's sick (depending on how sick he is)
- He screams like a girl when you rip a bandaid off
- He loves western movies
- He would eat pancakes for every meal if you let him
- He once dumped gasoline on a bonfire
- He absolutely STINKS because of his armor (but tries to bathe every day if he can)
- When he doesn't stink, he smells like a wood burning stove with a hint of rain
- He's scared of deep water
- He can't swim that well
- He acts super tough around guys who are taller than him (he's 5'11" lol)
- Don't throw him a surprise party unless you want to get shot
- He reads Grogu bedtime stories from his childhood
- He always offers to make breakfast/lunch/dinner when you aren't feeling good
- He only enjoys hugs from you
- He can be extremely petty
- #SarcasmKing
- He's like a Disney princess in Star Wars, animals just come up to him and he has no idea why
- He yells at the people in television shows/movies like they can hear him
-If you steal his stuff in Minecraft he will hunt you down mercilessly
- He loves dancing in the rain (especially with you)

Yayyy more headcanons! I'm having way too much fun with these lol

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