Thoughts on Codywan

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I feel like Obi-Wan and Cody wouldn't be a super romantic couple. Like yeah, they're married or whatever, but people just think they're really good friends because of how they act and they find it amusing. Neither of them are huge fans of big romantic gestures (they're both easily embarrassed), so they do little things to show their love instead.

For example: Cody cleans/folds Obi-Wan's robes (we know he has a lot) and cooks him nice meals. Obi-Wan does the same when Cody is tired. They often take care of each other/remind each other to do certain things. You see what I'm getting at?

I don't know, that's just my opinion and I'm rambling lol. CodyWan is alright with me, but it's not one of my top ships.

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