Skateboard fall- Doctor and Dentist

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Riley's POV:

"Ni, can I borrow your skateboard? I'm running late.", I said glancing at my watch. I have to reach to my friend's place on time. 

"Sure, be careful!", Niall, my older brother said. "Okay, thanks!", I said and dashed out of the house with it.

"Woah slow down babe.", I heard Louis say before I closed the door behind me and set the skateboard on the floor. I stood on top of it and sped away. I thankfully reached my friend's on time, we were making a school project. 

"Bye!", I called to her when I was going back home.

"See ya!"

I stepped out of the house and was starting to skateboard back. Suddenly a bicycle came my way and I dodged to avoid it, which made me fall face first on the ground.

I groaned in pain. 

"Oh my gosh are you okay? I'm so sorry!", the girl who was riding it said. "It's o-okay.", I mumbled then gasped as there was blood from my mouth.

"Here, I'll help you up.", she offered and I stood up with her help. My knees were scraped and arms too. My mouth hurt, like one of the side teeth. 

"Is there anything I can do for you?", the girl asked honestly concerned. 

"It's okay, my house is right here.", I said waving to the distance starting to limp back home. 

"I'm so sorry again!"

"It's okay.", I muttered and took painful strides back to the house.

Oh no there's no one at home. Niall, Louis and Liam are doctors in their clinic. Zayn is a dental assistant and Harry the dentist. They all must be home. I decided to call Niall.

"Sup princess?"

"N-Ni it hurts.", I said tears threatening to fall.

"What hurts? What happened Riley?", Niall asked.

"A bicycle came my way, I tried to dodge it but I fell. There's blood from my knees and arms.", I said. 

"Oh love.", he sighed. "I'm coming okay, I'll get you to the clinic and we'll clean you up, it's okay, happens to everyone. Just wash it with water now okay?"

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too, I'm coming."

He said and hanged up. I limped to the bathroom and washed my wounds like Niall told me to which led to me wincing in pain.

"Riley?", I heard Niall after a while.

"In here!", I called, I was lying on the bed.

Niall ran in and kissed my forehead as I hugged him. "It's okay princess, you'll be fine.", he said and took a look at my knees and hands. "Let's go to Louis and Liam too.", he said and picked me up bridal style carrying me to his car. He strapped me in and drove to the big clinic. Zayn and Harry work here too, it's all in all.

"Niall told us, we'll take care of you Riley.", Liam smiled at you as Niall set you down on the examination table. 

"What happened?", Zayn asked. My guess is he wasn't there when Niall told them, he comes to hang around when he's not busy.

"She fell of the skateboard.", Louis said as he sat on a rolling chair and pulled up to me, putting his gloves on. Liam doing the same but he stood.

"I'm just gonna clean this love, it may sting a little.", Louis warned and I winced as he pressed the cotton and antiseptic to my knee. "Sorry.", he said giving me a small smile. Niall grabbed my hand letting me squeeze it. 

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