Request for pinklion28

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Rachel's POV:-

"Hey baby?", Liam asks, coming into our room where I was sorting out through some emails.

"Hm?" I don't look up at him. I know he sits down by the weight on the bed. "Have you ever gone to the gynecologist?"

I bring my eyes to look at my boyfriend, hand stilling on the keys. "Uh, no, why?"

"Well it is good to have a check up every year to make sure everything is okay down there.", he explains, being one himself. 

"I-Is there, a problem?", I ask, feeling nervous if there's something wrong on my part when we're getting intimate. Is Liam not getting the pleasure? Or is he not happy? 

"No, no, no babe.", he smiles gently, placing a hand on my knee. "I was just asking because often reproductive health is ignored, and nobody goes to the gyno unless there is a problem."

"That's not how it should be?"

He shakes his head. "To make sure they're healthy, they have to visit the gyno every year like their normal doctors too."

"Huh.", I think. "I should go to one right? I've never been.", I say.

"Yes.", he nods in approval.

"But isn't it awkward? Some random person checking you under there?", I crinkle my nose.

He chuckles. "We're doctors love, we don't judge our patients at all. Yes it can be awkward, but we try to make it as comfortable as possible. And, if you'd like, you can come to my office, I am not a random person.", he teases and I laugh. 

"What will you do to me Doctor Payne?", I tease back, keeping the laptop away and crawling onto his lap. He kissed me. "Take good care of you miss, nothing else."

"Mhm, nothing else?", I leave kisses on his jaw line. 

"I'll definitely try but since it's my hot girlfriend, no promises."

I giggle and kiss him. "Love you."

"Love you too."


It was finally the day and it was an understatement to say I was nervous. Liam said I could come in last, after all his patients so I went to his clinic after work. The receptionist knew me and she talked to me saying Liam was talking to one of the patients. 

"Hey Rach! Did you have to wait for long?", Liam asks, coming out with a wide smile in his pink scrubs making him look cute. 

"Oh no, I was just talking to Jane.", I smile back and we kiss. "Do I wait Liam or go home?", Jane asks him. 

"You can go Jane, I'll close up. The lab is still open right?"


"Okay, good night!" He takes my hand and leads me down the hall to his room. "Are you nervous?", he chuckles squeezing my slightly shaking hand.


"Don't worry, it's just me. We're starting out simple, just a normal checkup your doctor does. Okay?"

I nod. He kisses my cheek, handing me a gown. "Put this on for me love, you have to take off everything."



He laughs at my expression and points to the the area surrounded by a curtain where I can change. "I bet you'll cute in it, you can pull off anything.", he says while I change. 

"Shut up."

Liam looks through some files of mine on his computer, which he got from my doctor.

"I've answered most of the questions regarding our sex life, but do you any concerns?"

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