Niall's little sister-Doctor and Dentist

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Bonus chapter:-

"Y/N! You ready? Let's go!", Niall shouted making you groan. 

"I don't wanna go!!!", you whined. 

"The quicker you come out, the quicker we get done with everything and the quicker we can get back home. Come on babe, it's the boys, you know all of them, it's fine!"

Niall is your brother and he is a dentist. Harry is an orthodontist. The other three are doctors and Niall is pulling you for an annual check up today. First with the other boys and then with him. 

You huffed knowing you had no way out and stomped outside where Niall was humming, playing with his car keys. He smiled seeing you.

"Let's go."

"Come on sis, why you so grumpy?", Niall said poking your ribs in the car as he drove. You squealed and swatted his hands away.

"You know why."

"It's just to make sure you're okay, love.", he said chuckling. "Even I have annual checkups, everyone does. Especially at your age."

Soon Niall pulled up at the doctors office and you gave him one last puppy eyed look, which didn't work as he dragged you inside and into the room that had the board. Dr. Zayn Malik.

"Hi Niall! Hi Y/N!", Zayn greeted, who was seated behind his desk, typing on the computer.

"Hi mate, good morning. Hope we weren't late."

"No, no, I was just opening up her file. How you doing love?"

"I would be much better if I wasn't here..", you mumble and both of them just laughed. "Is Louis and Liam still not here?", Niall asked him.

"No they're there, go call them and we'll get started.", Zayn said. Niall happily went out of the room to get the other two. 

"How was school yesterday?", Zayn asked getting up from the desk. 

"Eh, okay.", you shrugged. He leaned down to give you a hug and you sighed into his comfort. You were always the most comfortable with Zayn out of all the boys, except your brother.

"Zayn I'm scared.", you whispered fisting his white coat over his scrubs.

"There's no need to be scared darling, you know us, we aren't going to hurt you. You trust me?"


He rubbed your back and gently kissed your head. "Then there's nothing to worry about, we'll take it slow, at your own pace. And if you do feel uncomfortable, tell me and we'll stop and talk about it. Okay babe?"


"Little Nialler!", you heard Louis and you and Zayn pulled away. 

"Hi Louis, Liam.", you said as they both also greeted you with hugs. "Hi Y/N, are you ready to get started so you can get outta here quick?", Liam asked.


"Great, take off your shoes and hop on the scale for me babe.", Louis said. Liam went to read on your file and Louis also took your height.

He read out the values to Liam who noted it down. Louis then sat you on the examination table and you started getting nervous again, but Niall grabbed your hand.

"It's okay princess, nothing's gonna happen.", he assured pressing a kiss to your hand.

"I can confirm that you don't need shots today.", Liam said and you smiled a little, glad to have that off your chest.

"Yay!", Zayn cheered and you chuckled.

Louis took your blood pressure and temperature with Niall holding you the entire time to keep you calm. 

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