Request for Rosequeen365

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Jessie's POV:-

"Baby, are you busy?", my dad, Harry asks he pops his head inside my room. 

"No dad, just packing up for tomorrow.", I say, and he smiles. "Can we watch a movie then?"

"Sure! But I get to pick."

"Ugh, fine."

I laugh. Dad and I settled on the couch with our all time popcorn and hot chocolate when we have movie nights. Halfway through the movie, I was leaning on dad and he was playing with my hair.

"Hey love?"


"I um wanted to tell you something."

"What, dad?"

I shift my head from the screen to look at his face. He smiles nervously. "I-I, uh I started dating again!"

"Did you!? That's great. Why didn't you tell me earlier? And who are you seeing?", I bombard him with questions making him laugh and kiss my temple. 

"Slow down munchkin, I'll tell you. I was sure of when to tell you but now, this guy, he's really sweet.  And he's funny, he's handsome, he's a nice person."

"How did you meet him?"

"In the hospital. He's a doctor there."


He nods, blushing a little and I giggle and sit up straighter to listen to the story. Dad's green eyes gleam like it does when he's happy. If this guy can make my dad happy, awesome, I don't have any problems. Dad is a family physician at the hospital.

"He's a gynecologist.", dad says. "I met him in the lounge one day and he's new to the hospital, we just got along great I guess. And we've had a couple dates-"

"-Dad why didn't I know about this!?"

"I'm sorry! Now you know?"
I huff and he giggles before continuing, "I just didn't want to tell you about someone I'm not sure about-"

"-So you're sure about this guy? Are you in love?"

Dad ruffles my hair. "Slow down baby girl, loads to time to fall in love. But....he's cute! He's a keeper I think!"
I squeal and hug him. "I'm so happy!"
"Thank you! You're the best daughter ever.", dad kisses my forehead. "So. You wanna meet him?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I do! What's his name?"

Dad smiles wide as he says, "Niall."

"Niall.", I repeat and pinch dad's cheeks as he blushes. "Aww, he's getting shy."

"Shut up, Jessie.", dad laughs and starts to tickle me.


Next week

"Hey baby.", dad pouts as he gets back home and sees me laying on the couch with my heating pad. "That time again?"

I nod sadly and he runs his fingers through my hair. I get really bad cramps during my periods. 

"How bad?", dad asks, kissing my cheek. 

"Bad.", I whisper. 

"I'm sorry. I'll make you some tea, be right back! You want me to go the store for you love?"

"No dad, I've got stuff."

"Okay. How was school?"

"Eh. The usual. How was your day? Saw your boyfriend at work?"

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