Chapter 9 - Bianca

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I call out to Astrid, who's gone in a flash. Nothing that's happening behind me really registers in my brain until Rio goes after her.

"Betrayal!" dad's voice rumbles with a tone of fury.

"Alpha Greywood, do not forsake the Moon Goddess' gift as betrayal," the Lycan Beta, Alex, replies on behalf of his now absent Alpha.

"There is nothing to be said or done about that," dad says gruffly. "I was referring to the betrayal of that tigress."

Immediately, I react.

"Her name is Astrid, and she's my best friend, dad." I stand up.

"Your best friend got up even before Alpha Xenakis made his destined known. She knew exactly what was about to happen. Have you thought that maybe she came here unannounced just to slap you across the face with this news?"

"I already knew!"

My mom gasps and feigns a scene to which the Omegas come to her aide and fan her with their hands.

"So, you were conspiring behind my back, Bianca?" dad also stands up with clenched fists.

And I don't know what's really come over me, but my spine surges up as tall as it can as I hover over my dad, who is already shorter than me, and the voice that comes out of me is deeper and scarier than I've ever heard it to be.

"I was protecting Astrid."

His piercing green eyes widen, turning a deep veridian. He glowers back.

"Mind your tone."

Realization sets in that I had used my Alpha tone on my dad, my Alpha. I shake off the uncontrollable anger that was creeping in and the power that had caused my fists to ball up tightly. Then I remember all the demeaning things he'd said. About me and Astrid. About the Alpha of Violet Moon. About women.

I will never be good enough.

No matter how tough of a fighter I am, or how many university degrees I bring back, I will never be good enough to be my own Alpha, let alone an individual when all he sees is that I am not a man. And no matter how much Astrid means to me, I will never be good enough for her.

"Mr Thebeau," dad addresses the Lycan Beta, "I think it's best if you leave now."

He curtly nods and exits.

"As for you, young lady," dad points a finger at me, "After you perform the anthem tonight, you are not to leave my side. We shall find you a suitable mate in no time. And tend to your mother while I go have a word with Augustus about his daughter. I need to do some damage control."

"You wouldn't kick the Lees out, would you?" I ask quietly.

"No, my dear. We can't afford to lose them."

Dad steps out and I hear the revving of his car engine.

I contemplate.

My mother appears to be dramatically distraught over the news, ordering one of the Omegas to fetch her a paper bag.

I contemplate again.

I turn to exit as my mother calls for me, with keys and phone in hand. Dad's Rolls Royce is long gone by now, so I get into my silver car.

For a moment, I wonder if Astrid would run away with me, but then flashes of her kissing the Lycan Alpha remind me that the destiny bond has already commenced to take root. And where would I go? Do I want to disappear alone? Would I be considered a rogue?

Or a woman taking hold of her destiny.

I turn on the engine and drive to a place about an hour away from Silver Bow, out in the middle of nowhere.

"Open up!" I bang on the red-tinted UV-proof doors of Oscura.

The head bouncer from last night, Larry, rushes to open the doors for me, which I push aside urgently and the invasive sunlight scores his exposed arms. But I have no time to apologize.

"Valentina!" I call out.

The red interior of the nightclub is quiet and still with nobody else lurking around except for Larry cursing under his breath behind me. In a flash, Valentina appears, her hair tied up in a messy bun, dressed in a black velvet tracksuit.

"Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?" she asks.

"I'm doing it," I tell her, breathless. "I'm leaving Silver Bow."

"Why would you do that, Princess?"

Too much to unpack. No time to think.

"I—I just have to. Look, Valentina, I came to ask if you'd run away with me."

I look expectantly into her eyes, the only woman who truly knows my deepest darkest secrets and desires. And in response, she laughs.

"Don't be silly, girl. Where would you even run off to where your father wouldn't find you?"

"I don't know. A monastery in the Himalayas?"

"Chérie, I've had a lifetime of running. I could not possibly give all this up to spend a second lifetime running." She steps closer to wipe a tear that I'd been fighting to hold back. "Even if it's with you."

Valentina paces backwards as I tremble now from hurt and desperation.

"Besides, running away can be very financially draining, Princess. Have you given any thought as to how you would procure enough to be unnoticed?"

I shake my head.

Goddess, I feel like a child being questioned by a parent.

"Last night, why did you ask me to stay?"

"Because I enjoy your company."

"Did you ever see us ending up together?"

"Did you?"

Of course, not. I know, and she probably knows, too, that we could only ever be a secret. Much like any expectation I might have had of Astrid or any other woman for that matter. A dirty little secret.

Well, I'm sick of living in a lie.

I lunge forward, grab the back of Valentina's neck and kiss her deeper than I ever have allowed myself to. This is a farewell not only of my first lover, but of my first love as a thought crosses my head to kiss Valentina so passionately that it can be felt in the recesses of the earth and sent out across the cosmos to where Astrid might feel it.


I turn around, and head to the exit where Larry is nursing his arm.

"And sorry."

I get back into my car, sit quietly for a few seconds, breathe, then, eventually, take off.

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