Chapter 16 - Rio

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Chapter 17 – Rio

The walk back to Astrid's guest room is silent and sombre.

I keep thinking back on the dinner we just had with my mother. Astrid nailed every question, well, except for the last one, which got my back sweating.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask as we reach her door.

She sighs reluctantly, a sound I've grown used to hearing. My destined is a bit of a worrier.

"No," Astrid answers plainly. "If you'll excuse me, I need to call my parents."

"Of course."

"And, please send some suitable clothes for the late night run."

The omission of the word 'family' is distinct in her emphasis. She closes the door behind her before I get the chance to at least kiss her hand or something.

I head downstairs, order an Omega to run a few errands, then head down even further to a half-floor basement that bridges the main house to the Alpha's quarters.

I emerge out on the other side into the back garden where roses in their nightly bloom emit the most heavenly smell, one that I now fully associate with Astrid. I stop for a while to smell a full red rose and look at towards the window of the guest room, its soft light glowing over the garden. A faint shadow moves and I await for a moment expecting to see her standing there. A sharp wind suddenly blows through me and causes the wooden shutters of her window to bang close, reminding me I should stop creeping about and get back to my quarters.

The Alpha's quarters has its own large entrance door and stained glass window, a mirror image of the foyer in the family residence, but about half in size. Instead of a grand staircase, there is a winding one that leads to a cosy living room where Alex and Demi are spread out on the leather sofa, each typing away on their laptops and phones. Admittedly, my quarters are not as elegantly decorated as the family residence, which has my mother's touch of sophistication.

"Give me an update," I request my Beta and Delta.

"I have moved on to the Slavic countries," Demi replies.

"And I am checking up on connecting flights. Still nothing." Alex states. "Have you asked Astrid for more details about her dream? That could help."

"Good idea, Alex." I laud him.

"And that's why I'm the Beta," he points two thumbs at himself.

"Yeah, yeah," Demi snorts. "You're the personal assistant, whereas I am the executive assistant. You know, actually pulling my weight in work for the pack, while you're busy wiping Rio's ass."

"See, that's why you're still a virgin, Demi."

Demi's face turns red.

"I bet I shall find my destined before you do, Alex."

"You first have to talk to a boy for that to happen."

"Okay, guys," I raise my hands, metaphorically pulling them apart and out of their bickering. "Let's get back to work."

"By the way, Rio, there was a letter from Alpha Greywood that he faxed to you a few hours ago." Demi points out.

"Who still uses fax?" Alex asks.

I go over to the desk to read the printed letter. For the most part, it seems to be formal, but also laced with double-edged expressions and grievances about my absence last night and about the broken engagement. I crumple up the paper. I have no time for this petty complaint.

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