Chapter 23 - Astrid

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It was around 10:30 am when we left. I tried calling mom and dad before leaving but neither of them picked up. I did, at least, get to call An and tell her we were headed to Bhutan. She sounded way too excited by the intrigue and adventure that lay ahead of me. Then Rio butted in to meet An during the video call. They hit it off after he fed her a lot of historical facts on his native island and told her he'd already dispatched a few books for her perusal by post. The look of pure joy and excitement nearly melted my heart, though there is still a lot to melt till Rio can get to the core.

Corinthia and Demi came to see us off at the airport while the younger Xenakis boys were preoccupied: one with school and the other with sleep. Corinthia struggled to keep her composure as her blue eyes glistened under the sun. Rio promised his mother that he would come back in one piece, but that wouldn't do much comforting to a premature widow like Corinthia, especially not after watching the video of Bianca and the vampire horde. And then, she did the strangest thing. She hugged me as if I was now part of her family. I accepted it out of respect, but Corinthia's embrace and her strong arms wrapped around me a little too tightly.

Demi said she was going on a road trip after we get back, insinuating the amount of times the Alpha and Beta get to travel while the Delta's duties are to the home territory in their absence. Rio laughed, but obliged her. It made me think about my dad, Delta to Silver Bow, who's never once caught a break in his busy schedule. And just for a second, I thought, "If only Alpha Gilbert were more like Rio." I shook the thought almost as immediately as it popped up in my head.

As the plane takes off, I watch outside my window when the island territory suddenly vanishes from view after leaving the magical barrier. All that's left ahead if another day of travelling up in the air, in this confined metallic bird. At least, now I know what to expect as my ears pop from the altitude shift. The first time, I felt like my head was about to explode.

I look over the aisle to see Rio looking at his phone with a serious look in his eyes, while Alex sits at the back in the furthest seat away from Valentina. I sniff the air in an attempt to understand Alex's frustration with her but only end up catching a whiff of Chanel No. 5.

The interior of this plane is different and especially more spacious than the plane I arrived in, with two private rooms in the back. Rio told me earlier that the flight would take almost a whole day so I understand the need for separate compartments and more space. I laugh to myself thinking this is only my second flight ever and yet I've spent more time up in the air than in Mesaniskia.

As soon as the pilot tells us we can unbuckle our seatbelts, Alex fusses about his seatbelt, gets up and walks to one of the private rooms and slams the door shut.

"Men are such babies," Valentina remarks from the seat in front of me where I can see her profile as she looks out the window. She then peeks over to make eye contact with me. "I speak from experience."

"How many years of experience?" I ask, curious to pinpoint her exact age.

"Chérie, I spent three-quarters of my life chasing one man who tossed me aside as soon as some other shiny new thing came along."

"And now, here you are chasing a woman."

Valentina doesn't respond to this for a while and the flight continues in silence for the next half an hour as Rio still seems contemplative over his phone. I close my eyes to be alone in my thoughts, but it only causes more worry and anxiety over what may lie at the end of this flight.

"Astrid," Valentina softly calls.


"I want to thank you, if reluctantly, for calling me out at Oscura."

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