Chapter 22 - Astrid

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"What are we waiting for?"

I get up from my seat at the dining table and flit off to my guest room to pack. That white wolf in the video was Bianca—I just know it—and she barely managed to fight off a whole horde of vampires. I look over my shoulder to see Rio following close behind, but not with the same sense of urgency that hastens my stride.

"She's in trouble, Rio," I repeat myself, "And we need to leave now."

I barge into the room and open the closets, not really knowing what I'm searching for since none of the clothes in here are mine. So, I look to the bedside table, grab my phone and stuff it in my pocket along with the phone charger for good measure. Rio stands near the door, typing something on his phone.

"Well?" I ask, my heart pounding out of my chest from the sudden surge of adrenaline at the news.

"Demi's working on tracking the IP address of the video," he says, his brows creased in concentration. "In the meantime, why don't we go see the mages?"

Rio and I walk up to a beautiful white villa with a red door. On the car ride over, he told me that the Lycans have a committee of three mages, who help them in areas where conjuring things beyond this world are concerned. I asked him if they were anything like the Fates from Greek mythology, but he laughed and said no, they are not that powerful as to guide people's destinies.

"But three is a powerful number, Astrid," he says, knocking on the door.

A man fitted with rings and a patterned crimson robe opens the door. His skin is ebony, while spots of white adorn his short afro hair.

"Welcome, Rio, Astrid," he greets with a little bob of his head then extends a hand inward. "Please, come in."

I was expecting the interior to look whimsical and magical with various herbs hanging around, strange artefacts and a bubbling cauldron, but, in fact, it looks like any old modern Greek house with bright furniture to match the bright exteriors.

"I suppose you're here about the vampire that my son has been complaining about in the family group chat," the ebony man says, closing the door.

"Yes, that would be one of the things," Rio answers. "Astrid, this is Souleymane Thebaud, Alex's father."

I shake the man's hand and notice the resemblance to the Beta, especially around the lower part of his face with his square chin and thick lips.

Souleymane leads us out of the living room entrance, through an open archway where two women are sitting around a rectangular dining table, drinking tea. One with fiery red hair and the other with sky blue.

"So, Alpha," speaks the red-headed woman with thin brows that arch up to give her a perpetual scornful expression. "Are you really sure about making a daylight ring? They can be quite dangerous in the wrong hands."

"Yes, I am sure," Rio replies confidently. "We are no longer in times of war and any vampire who chooses to go on a daylight rampage with the ring would be a fool and be met with a swift death."

She raises her brows in annoyance. "And you understand that the mere creation of such a ring will offset the balance of nature?"

"Oh, don't be so dramatic, Helena," Souleymane tuts as he moves to sit at the head of the table. "We must trust our Alpha's decisions. He would not lead us astray, right Rio?"

Rio turns on his charm to smile at the witches and warlock, and for a moment, it reminds me of the time just a few days ago when that sort of look would have had my blood boiling. Helena's nostrils flare in displeasure. I guess, I'm not the only one who adversely reacts to that boyish grin.

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