Chapter 17 - Astrid

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A splash of cold water reminds me that this is all real. I am, in fact, in Midnight Shadow, with my supposed destined mate, after having had dinner with his mother. In all of my daydreams back home sitting in a classroom full of kids as they wiled away tunelessly on their clunky instruments, not once did I imagine myself here, at the home of the Lycans.

A cold gust of wind causes one of the wooden shutters to continuously bang close. One moment the trees sway wildly outside, then next, they pull back in formation. I walk over to them and for the first time look outside to see a garden down below with a bridge that leads to a separate residence; the tallest dome that I saw in the distance when I first arrived here. A light is on in the first floor and I crane to listen to low voices in conversation, when I realize Rio is among one of them. I quickly close all the shutters for privacy and for good measure.

The picture of the battery bar on my phone is green and full. I switch it on to a bombardment of texts from every member of my family, including my aunt Ellie. I look at the time, which is still set to Silver Bow, as 10:15 am. I video call mom.

He picks up immediately, relief flooding her eyes. I hear the hustle and bustle of the busy kitchen behind her, recognizing the store room she's in to take my video call.

"Astrid! Are you okay?"

"Yes, mom. I'm fine."

"Where are you?"

"In Midnight Shadow."

Her eyes turn on to a flash of gold.

"Did Alpha Xenakis kidnap you?" her voice comes out a mix of human and beast.

"No, he didn't mom."

"Is Bianca there with you?"

This intense line of questioning from my mom reminds me of the dinner with Corinthia Xenakis.

"No. That's why I'm here, mom. To find—"

"Come home now!"

I sigh.

"If you could just let me explain for a second."

"What's there to explain, Astrid? I slaved away for weeks in the kitchen to concoct the perfect menu for the gala night, which comes once a year. Alpha Xenakis may as well have spat in all our faces. He nearly ruined everything and Alpha Gilbert was very embarrassed."

I scoff. "So what? His daughter is missing and he's embarrassed about some stupid gala?"

"Bianca is missing?"

Right. As far as anyone in Silver Bow is concerned, she could have just run off to another state. Well, the cat's out of the bag now.

"Yes. That's why I'm here, dad. Rio has the immediate resources to find Bianca and bring her safely home." I try to sound convincing about the last part, but don't know if she would ever return home.

"So does Alpha Gilbert."

"Mom, you don't know everything. He's..."

"He's her dad, and I'm your mom, so you need to come home now."

"I'm not a child. I can make my own decisions."

"Astrid, adults don't make rash and impulsive decisions like the one you've made. You have to think things through."

"Even in an emergency?"

She clicks her tongue and sighs, exasperated.

"Just, please come home," she says in a calmer tone.

"I will...when I find Bianca."

She shakes her head.

"You're not her Beta, Astrid."

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