Chapter 19 - Rio

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"I don't like this," Demi grumbles, yawning into her hand.

We watch on the northern dock as a boat approaches with two people on board: The driver, Alex, and the passenger, Valentina de la Mort. Alex's almond skin glistens under the moonlight, whereas Valentina's porcelain complexion doesn't so much as reflect any light. She looks like a ghost compared to Alex.

"Don't worry about her," I tell Demi. "The sooner we find Bianca Greywood, the sooner the vampiress gets out of our hair."

As the boat gets closer, the horizon has changed from the black of night to the dark blue of an approaching dawn.

The stench of death and flowers arrives.

I approach the docks as Alex gives Valentina a hand. She emerges wearing a full black outfit, her stilettos clacking as she steps onto the dock. Her hair is tied back with the front white pieces freely flowing in the island breeze.

"Welcome to Mesaniskia," I greet her.

"Thank you, Alpha Xenakis," she bows. "A hundred years I've spent visiting every corner of the world, leaving out your hidden island. I must say, I was expecting...more."

"Well, this is a Greek island and we are Greek," I plainly state.

She smiles and nods.

"Alors, have you found Bianca yet?"

I look over to Demi, who shakes her head and regards Valentina with a disdainful look.

"Not yet," I verbally reiterate.

Valentina's porcelain face drops slightly as she sighs.

"Then, may I be shown to my accommodation?" she asks.


We begin to walk back to the parked jeeps. Valentina is a little let down by the news that she is to put up with Alex. Demi takes one step into the backseat, then backs out, shaking her head. She says she will walk home, refusing even a ride from me. And so, we part ways, Alex and Valentina in one jeep, me in the other, and Demi sulking off down the beach.

On the ride back, I switch off from my Alpha duties and think about the kiss that Astrid initiated this time. Rarely do I get caught off guard, but I was for once in my life. Despite what I thought was a build-up of annoyance and hatred directed at me, she kissed me back. It was a little victory.

Then I almost took it too far thinking she wanted me to lead her to bed. Silly of me to presume. But I couldn't help the way her rosy fragrance drove me crazy. It always drives me crazy.

I reach home and park the car and mistakenly find myself on the family side of the manor. Or was it a mistake? Perhaps my subconscious mind wanted me to end up here to go up the grand staircase, to the left and into her room.

I laugh.

What would I even do? It's 4 am in the morning and Astrid would be dead asleep by now. Come to think of it, I need my rest too.

I start the car back up, and head all the way around to the Alpha's residential entrance. I climb up two flights of winding stairs to get to my room at the top of my tower-like home. From up here, I get a view of the entire island. And I also get a view of Astrid's room. Maybe I chose that guest quarter just to spy on her a little, but as look down into her room, I only catch a glimpse of the foot of her bed. I should have asked the Omegas to rearrange the furniture in that room.

I get into bed and fall asleep almost immediately.

My vision is black. And I feel cold. But I hear voices. Or is it one voice?

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