Karn and Arjun in Kaliyug

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"Madhav said he had dropped maata somewhere close by" Arjun muttered to Karn. Karn nodded. If someone had told them yesterday that they would wander together in the forest then he would never have believed but look ay destiny. They had upsetted Kunti and when they wanted to apologise Krishna bluntly said that she was taking a break. Arjun wanted to go alone to bring back his mother but Karn was adamant that he would accompany. Having no other options he agreed. 

"Why didnt Govind come along?" Karn asked.

"He wanted us to go alone. People want us to keep aside our differences and leave our enmity" Arjun said looking away.

"And what do you think?" Karn asked a little unsure about his answer.

"Well I feel we are destined to be rivals Angraj. We are too alike to be friends. If we were childhood friends or brothers we wouldve bonded well but since you are the best friend of our dear bhrata Duryodhan who has never left an opportunity to kill us I dont feel we can ever be less than enemies. " Arjun said.

"I dont know what problem Duryodhan has with all of you. He has always considered you five to be his enemies. The main reason was his insecurity. He always wanted all the attention but with you all around he never got any" Karn defended Duryodhan. Arjun smiled knowingly.

He surprisingly never hated Karn. Ofcourse he fought with him but he never completely hated him. He respected his talents and skills. if only Karn was not an ally of Duryodhan Arjun was sure they could be good friends.  

"What is that?" Karn asked pointing at a house. They had never seen a house like this. I was smaller than  a palace but larger than a hut.  It was so colourful with extremely varied colours. 

"No idea...it looks like a house but it is differently constructed." Arjun commented . both of them looked at each other and nodded. They should check it out.

Kunti could feel her eyes slowly opening

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Kunti could feel her eyes slowly opening. She opened her eyes to see three unknown faces. They looked at her strangely. Who were they? Where was she? And where was Krishna? She slowly got up. There were two girls and a boy. They were about her children's age. Their clothes were completely different and unique. She had never seen such clothes before. 

"Are you okay aunty?" Tara asked sweetly.

Kunti nodded with a smile. They looked like sweet people.

"Pranipaat I am the wife of late King Pandu. My name is Kunti. I am from Hastinapur" Kunti introduced herself.

Tara and Sidharth looked at her confused. 

"The  mahabharat Hastinapur? Were you in a play aunty? Your clothes are really well designed. They look like they are actually from he Dwapar Yug." Tara said examining the cloth material. 

Kunti couldnt understand a single word she said. She simply nodded. Where was Krishna?

"Aunty Can I say something if you dont mind? You are unwell. This saree is too heavy and you are definitely uncomfortable in this saree. if you dont mind you can change into some comfy clothes" Naina said .

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