Lord Parshuram as Gurudev

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Hey guys I have started a new book . It's a love triangle between Karn, Arjun and Draupadi for Draukarn and ArDi fans. Please give it a read. The book's name is "KARN AND ARJUN'S DRAUPADI" . The information regarding the book is written at the end of this chapter at the writer's note. As of now enjoy the chapter!

"Welcome to Dwarka!!!" Subhadra shouted excitedly.
"You three have grown so much. Siddhartha is a man now and my sweet little angels Sitara and Nainavati too are transformed into such beautiful women." Balaram said blessing his siblings.
"Pranipaat I am Rukmini, Krishna's wife." Rukmini introfuced herself.
Naina, Tara and did greeted them most politely. Krishna had taught them a little about Dwapar yug. Thus they survived the greetings.
"They are here dao buff their education is still left. They need to complete their education." Krishna said
"Ofcourse my brother and sisters will be exceptional warriors." Balaram said.
"Oh are women allowed to fight in this era?" Tara asked excitedly. She was an archaeologist and these information were too interesting for her.
"Ofcourse. Not every dynasty want their women to fight however. Like the kuru dynasty. They dont like their daughters involved in warfare but it's very popular in yadavas.  Subhadra is a brilliant fighter. She is specialized in mace. She is exceptional. She is my favourite student." Balaram said.
Tara and Naina were too excited and Sid couldn't wait to try the weapons. He had only seen these weapons in his pc games or in movies but using them was a dream.
"I was thinking of sending them to lid Parshuram" krishna suggested.
"Good idea Kanha.ord Parshuram will be perfect!" Dao said.
After a week Naina , Tara and Sid were prepared to go to Lord Parshuram for their education. They were really connected to Dwarka since their arrival. Subhadra was the sweetest sister they could've had.  Tara , Naina and Sid too were getting habituated to calling one another brother and sister.
They were best friends with Kanha and Rukmini who was their partners in crime.  Dao was like a father figure they never had. He scolded them and adored them. They finally found a family in Dwarka. And now they had to leave this family as well.
"For how long bhrata?" Tara asked.
"Three years will be enough anujaa. You three will cope up." Krishna said.
They nodded and bid their family farewell.
Their training started. Parshuram was not at all what they had imagined him to be. He was a funny man. He was strict as well but only with Sidhartha. With the girls he was extremely sweet.
And the girls always took advantage of that. They loved Lord Parshram. Besides being a guru he was also like a grandfather to them.
"Naina You are brilliant with swords. So I gift you this sword, the mighty sword of The almighty Shiva! Bhism has a similar sword. Tara you are an exceptional archer. Thus I gift you this divine bow of lord Rama! Like my student Karn you will emerge victorious in all your wars. AND Sidharth my boy you are an exceptional archer as well so I gift you with this bow. This bow was used by me when I fought the unjust kings. This bow not only guarantees victory but also guarantees the defeat of your opponents!" Lord Parshuram added.
They thanked their gurudev.
"Whi was your favourite student Gurudev?" Sidharth asked one day.
"Difficult question! Well I loved Bhism a lot. He was extremely talented. Dron was good as well but the boy who stolen heart has to be Karn. He had that hunger as well as the talent. I loved that chap" Lord Parshrama said.
"Did you curse him gurudev?" Tara asked.
"I had to Putri. He had lied to me. I was tied by destiny. However my curse can be equated if the destiny changes. Let's hope for the best" parshuram said .

Three years later
"Your siblings are ready now Krishna.  They are the very efficient in all traits. Be it warfare or intelligence or techniques and morals. They are the best. Your brother Sidharth and your sister Tara are the best archers of the Aryavrat no less than Karn and Arjun. Naina is the best sword fighter the dynasty will ever witness almost as powerful as Bhism himself!" Parshuram said.
"There are no words with which I can thank you gurudev" Krishna said.
"You can thank me in a way. Try to change the destiny. Try to reverse my curse. Poor Karn didnt deserve it. Try to stop the disaster" Parshuram said.
"That's why they are here lord. You himself trained them. They will be the mediums to change the destiny."Krishna said smiling.
They bid their sorrowful farewell to Lord Parshuram. On reaching Dwarka they were disappointed as Rukmini was visiting Radha in Gokul. Dao was in Virata for some political discussions and Subhadra was in Hastinapur.
"Well it seems you three will get bored here. How about we take a short trip to Hastinapur?" Krishna suggested and the three nodded excitedly. They would finally see Hastinapur. They had already met some important characters but not everyone. They were getting too excited.

Writer's note:
Hey guys I am back with a new book "KARN AND ARJUN'S DRAUPADI" for my DrauKarn as well as my ArDi fans. A book with a love triangle between Karn, Arjun and Draupadi! Hope you all will like it. Here's a small glimpse of my story 👇

"Why are you behaving like this with me! I love you!" Draupadi expressed her feeling as tears rolled down her cheek.
"So do I! But I feel suffocated as I realise you are never completely mine! I am married to you but then so is Angraj!" Arjun said frustrated.
"I am yours. Me and Angraj...we are married for namesake. There is nothing between us. I didnt want to marry him!" Draupadi tried to explain.
"I know Panchaali.I dont blame you for this but seeing you with my worst enemy saddens me. You are Parth's Panchaali but you are also Karn's Draupadi! And it frustrates me...If someday Angraj wants his rights over you I wont be able to handle it!" Arjun said in an extremely frustrating manner and left the chamber.
"How is it my fault! I have always loved Arjun then why did I have to marry Angraj as well. Arjun is my husband but I am Karn's wife as well. I cant live like this any longer" Draupadi said to herself teary eyed.
She looked at the high balcony in her chamber. The beautiful thought of giving up her life was possessing her mental stability. She couldnt handle so many complications. She will end her sufferings right now.
She stepped towards the balcony. One more step and she would fall and her death will put an end to her pains and sufferings. As she was going to proceed she felt a sudden pull. Someone pulled her away from the balcony.
Draupadi was taken aback. She landed on a strong chest and a pair of arms held her safely. She could feel her husband breathe close to her ear. Arjun was here. She couldnt help but smile. She turned around. The man before her frightened her. It was not Arjun.
"What on earth do you think you were doing Panchali!" Karn exclaimed extremely disturbed and concerned.
"Angraj...Its you" Draupadi said. She was disappointed.  She expected Arjun.
"How can you even think of ending your life Panchali!" Karn asked extremely anguished.
"I hate my life Angraj! I loved Arjun. I married him. Why did you have to ruin our perfect life?" Draupadi said.

 Why did you have to ruin our perfect life?" Draupadi said

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Hope you all will like my book. please give it a read and please dont get offended.  It's a fanfiction. Love you guys!

Krishna travelsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin