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Kiyoomi hates Halloween.

It's an absolutely ludicrous holiday with an origin that's been perverted past the point of recognition and a drastic increase in crimes (both violent and not). It's a perfect time for pedophiles, absolutely stellar for murderers, and any number of diseases can be spread just through the sheer amount of contact people have with each other - passing out candy from communal bowls is barbaric and disgusting, in Kiyoomi's opinion.

But the worst part of it is this crushing pressure to wear a costume. Why would he want to spend money on an outfit to make him look like something other than what he is? What's the point? Not to mention the absolute embarrassment of dressing up in anything that isn't fully covering - he's the human equivalent of a gluestick, all white and pasty. The closest he's ever gotten to dressing up for Halloween is wearing an Eeyore onesie Motoya bribed him into wearing.

So yes, he hates Halloween, and he hates being dragged to a dumb celebration of a dumb holiday at a bar that's too loud and packed to the brim with people. But Atsumu begged him, so here he is, sitting at the back of the bar, as far away from the speakers and the writhing mass of sweaty bodies as humanly possible.

Kiyoomi hates being "whipped" as Motoya feels the need to remind him at every mention of the setter's name. He hates knowing Atsumu could ask anything of him and he'd comply without a second thought, hates knowing that so much of himself rests in the hands of one person who could do with it what he will.

It sucks, to be blunt. Like falling toward the earth and trusting someone else to pull your parachute.

There's no escape, it's almost suffocating. Nothing to be done but wallow and suffer. Because he can't get over Atsumu - he doesn't want to and it would hardly be possible as long as they're still on the same team. But he can't be with him either. So he's stuck in limbo, this never-ending hell. Emotional groundhog day.

He sips half-heartedly on a beer that tastes like someone put rubbing alcohol into water and called it a drink. He fucking hates Halloween.

If Atsumu was going to make him come to this thing, he should at least be on time himself, right? Wrong, Atsumu is a man who is chronically late to anything and everything. Which leaves Kiyoomi alone in the gap between when he's supposed to arrive and when he actually does (which, in truth, can be anywhere from ten minutes to half an hour).

So it honestly comes as no surprise when Atsumu shows up thirty-three minutes late to the Halloween celebration he begged Kiyoomi to attend - if the setter were literally any other person on earth, Kiyoomi would verbally rip his head off.

But he's not any other person. He's Atsumu Miya, and if Kiyoomi is the law then Atsumu is a billionaire - he can get away with anything.

Plus, Kiyoomi has no chance of being indignant when Atsumu is wearing a skirt - a fucking skirt? The audacity of this man and his oblivious determination to ruin Kiyoomi's entire life. How dare he unknowingly stir up the libido Kiyoomi has been doing such a good job of taming? He should've said no. He should've said no and celebrated Halloween like he always does: watching horror movies alone in the dark just to feel something.

But he didn't and that's his fuck up - the consequences of his actions have never looked so good in a blue thigh-length skirt.

"Omi!" His name is so cursed on Atsumu's lips, spellbinding as the setter bounces his way to the back of the bar where Kiyoomi has slunk into the shadows. "D'ya like it? I'm Cinderella!"

Kiyoomi hates it. From now on, Atsumu is only allowed to wear clothes that make him look either homeless or eighty years old, and even then, he'd still probably make it work.

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