Chapter 8

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Hello, my lovelies, I know I said I was going to continue publishing on the weekday but as a reward for the 102 views, I have received. I am publishing this chapter for you all. Enjoy=)*

*The picture above is my own creation. I made that myself with my artistic skills. All rights reserved, if you wish to copy it you must ask me first about it, other than that DON'T STEAL IT! Can follow me for more of this on Pinterest iaadah21. Continue to view, comment, and follow me for more thrilling journeys. Thank you=)*

Treasure has been quite an entertaining thought of uncovering when I was younger. People are greedy enough to go searching for all the gold they can get their hands on. 

I am no different, treasure and the sea are two things that I may be cursed to forever love. 

The treasure in the brown chest is the same as I. Its gold color calls to me like a siren. A curse to forever desire a soul to corrupt.

To possess it and keep it in possession for eternity.

A gold necklace of shells. It is absolutely beautiful. I have never seen anything like it and I feel guilty about wanting to keep the necklace. 

Don't feel guilty.

Claim it. Keep it from all others.

Who? Where did that voice come from? Sounds like a male voice? 

I lower my hand from my mouth and bring out the gorgeous object.

I hear the crowd gasp in surprise and a few 'Woos' come through the glass. I look up at the audience and the same voice in the back of my mind shrieks in spite. 

The gold, it's mine!

I give the people a small smile and swim over to the basket I left on the sand. I have a minute left for my breath-holding.  

I place the necklace in the basket and swim fast crossing the whole tank and surface from the water.

"Wow, this..." I hold up the necklace up to Max. 

"Is gorgeous!" I exclaim, my ears soon hear music. Deep soothing music that lures my eyes to almost close. 

Cruel and cold like winds on the sea,

"Do you hear anything?" I ask looking around for the music.

Hear my voice, sing with the tide.

"No, I don't hear anything." Max looks around trying to listen but I shake my head hearing the music fade away.

My love will ....never.... die...

"Here let me take that from you." Hiss. My brain shudders at the sound.

He jerks his hand away from the basket. Okay!? I don't bite.

"Okay chill. You can carry it if you want." Max's voice breaks with fear. 

"What? What do you mean?" I ask him confused why he isn't taking the basket away from me.

"Um... you just hissed at me like a snake." My eyes widen.

"No, that can't be me." The hiss was only in my head. 

Or was it?

"Who else is in here with me except for the fish. I think you spent way too much time in the water. C'mon, let's get you out." he pulls me out of the basket left at the edge of the platform.

"I never hissed like that and I didn't even know I did it. I didn't even feel it pass my lips!" I explain confused. I am never possessive or animal-like.

"Maybe it is the merman who you met, could have cast a spell on you!" Max says unzipping my tail.

"I have no idea. Maybe I am tired and this mermaid thing is getting to my head." I close my eyes when the lights shine down on me.

"Maybe it is the gold necklace." I gasp sitting up.

"Could it be?" I slowly look at the basket, watching it making sure it doesn't turn into something that goes bump in the night.

"Sarah, calm down. The basket isn't going to attack you." My heart starts thumping fast and fearfully look back at Max.

"It's going to attack me?" my voice shakes in fear and lean away from the basket.

"Okay. We are not having any of that now! There is nothing to be afraid of." Max grips my shoulders and rubs them along my skin. The hair still standing up on edge.

"I am amazed at the design. Must ask who made it for I might get you one for your birthday." Max tells me looking down at my hands.

I look down and see I still have the necklace in my hands. I am sure I placed it in the basket when I came swimming up. 

I let it go and it drops on the metal. Instead of moving, it stays on the metal like it is being weighed down. It felt light in my grasp.

"Very funny and no, I can make it myself if I wanted it to. Come on, don't be a jellyfish and haul me up please." I say to Max and he leans down gripping my underarms pulling me up on my two feet.

Footsteps running in the hallway behind the door catch my hearing. The stomps are loud for some reason. If someone was behind the door I wouldn't hear it. The door is soundproof.

The closer the stomps get the more my body tenses ready to jump in the water to get away from the thing that is running toward us.

The doors slam open and a figure runs in. The figure nears closer too fast for my comprehension and I instinctively jump in the water.

"Wonderfully done Sarah. Time to give this to the birthday girl whose name is also Sarah." I hear clearly in the water. 

Wait, I can hear him clearly, why? When someone is submerged in water they can't hear anything unless it is high pitched. So, why can I hear so clearly this time?

"Sarah?!" I place the thought in the back of my mind for later and surface seeing the figure is just Austin.

"Gee, thanks; Austin, for scaring me." I swim to the metal and the boys pull me up and out of the water.

"Okay, something happened that got you shivering like a wounded puppy. What's up?" Austin asks me and Max lays a towel over my shoulders. 

I am shaking?! I didn't notice.

"Nothing." I replay what Austin said when scaring me half to death and my eyes widen. 

The girl has the same name as me! Geez, what are the odds? Must be a lucky day for me or for her of getting such treasure.

"C'mon, Max, time to bring her to her shell coach. I really think you should repaint it, Sarah. Blue and green with white is getting old." Austin tells me distracting me from my thoughts.

No! No human will take me away.

'What? Who is talking?'

'I am what you most desire. Don't give me to the girl.'

I look at the basket. the necklace lays on the bottle. 

Wasn't it on the floor?

I look at the necklace that shines in the light.

My body shivers, goosebumps crawl up my body and I wrap my arms around. I am probably cold from the water and I must have kept holding my breath way too much.

"I shall do that, but for now let me wish a special Sarah a happy birthday," I tell the boys as Max zips up the now dry tail on my legs. Max pulls me into his arms again but this time with a towel for my shoulders and tail.

*Oh, is Sarah going mad? What could be talking to her?

Where do you think the music and hiss came from?

Please comment down below and read on to know more=)*

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