Chapter 18

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Karl P.O.V

I need to get out of this place and now would be the best time. 

I close my eyes and feel the water circle around my tail. A blue glow shines around my lower body and a slight tingling covers me from head to fin.

I open my eyes and see two legs. A smirk adorns my features and my grey eyes gaze at the metal in front of me. 

I push my body forward and grip the metal platform, a deep grunt escapes my lips as I pull my body upwards. 

I lift my knees up and place them on the edge pulling the rest of my body out of the water. Luckily when I transform into a human I gain a pair of black swimming trunks to cover my manly hood. 

Don't worry my love, I am coming.

I look at the camera and salute it in a goodbye. I intend on not coming back to this place though to keep the humans unaware of my powers I clench my fist and the black technical object breaks with a few cracks here and there.

Good. Now onward to my love.

I walk off and down the platform. Years ago I sometimes headed to an island in order to practice walking in case my mate is on land. I soon became a great teacher to my soldier and people, learning how to walk in case we ever need to.

I head out of the door and look around. At the corner of my eye, I see two familiar faces heading to a room. I strain my hearing to know where they are going.

"We need to get out of these uniforms and go check on Sarah." the female says to her male companion and I continue to smirk. 'Perfect'.

I walk over to where they are going and see it is a room filled with those suits. I grab one but a thought strikes me. Can't have those two finding me out and about. Need to knock them out for a good escape. 

I walk over to the two and raise my hand striking swiftly their pressure points to knock them out. They fall on top of each other and the position is quite cute. The guy is on his back with the girl's head on his chest. 'They seem cute together.'

Anyway, I grab a grey and red suit for males and place it on. It is quite tight but warm to keep these humans from getting hypothermia in the cold water. I walk out leaving the sleeping couple on the floor.

I open the door slightly to check if there is anybody out there and there is only a crowd. I exit and walk among the humans. They are too caught up with the sea creatures to notice me and that gives me the slight advantage to get out. I follow the signs that point to another area of the aquarium. 

I make it through the main door and close my eyes immediately. Bright sunlight shines on me and I blink a few times getting my vision to adjust. Once I got my vision back I see we are near the coast.

'Can this get any easier?'

I walk through the crowd over to the shore and see too many civilians are around. I am wasting time here, I need to get to Sarah. I see the boy from before, Austin, I believe his name is, and the snooty boss of his, John, getting into a green tacky truck. I strain my hearing close enough to hear them.

"Sarah has woken up," Austin says.

"Good, take me to her!" John responds sitting on the right seat while Austin is behind a thin black wheel. Odd things humans create but if they are heading to Sarah I need to follow.

I walk slowly to the shoreline and get in while the car heads off. I dive in and with a burst of bubbles, I speed through the water following them. 

1st person

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