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I woke up from my dead sleep due to thirst in my throat.  I opened my eyes to look around, and I found Caius beside me.  I brought myself closer to him, put my head on his chest.  He stroked my hair slowly.

"You need something Cara mia?" He asked whispered in my ear.

I nod at him.  And staring into him red eyes with eyes almost pitiful — I'm usually not like this.

"Looks like he's thirsty," I told him.

He looked at me with a small smile, his hand moved to caress my stomach by kissing the top of my head then got up and went to get me a bag of blood.  I did a little stretch after my dead sleep.  My body will get weaker as long as I'm pregnant.

While I was waiting for Caius, Aro and Marcus came.  I only glanced at them briefly, my mind suddenly started wandering now a big question mark began to appear in my head.  How's that blood tasting?  Would that be disgusting?  Strange?  Bad?  But in the book my sister said it was delicious and she had a phobia with blood.

The blood I'm about to drink is human blood, isn't this cannibalism?

No, it's not cannibalism, it's just vampirism.  Yes, only vampirism.  Not cannibalism.  Cannibalism eats human flesh and I just drink it.  Okay, stop this thinking, don't think about it.  It's for my fetus, don't think about it.  Don't.

Aro realized my weirdness and stepped closer to me and touched my hand, he would see my ridiculous thoughts.  Even though I only intend to keep it for myself.

The prizes are frustrating sometimes.

I thought he was laughing at my mind.  Ugh this is annoying.

"Stop laughing at me Aro!"  I snapped.

Aro looked at me with a little shock and hurt, I know I've never been angry about anything like this before.  But ugh I feel like I'm really pissed off, not just for him almost anything.  It must be pregnancy hormones.

The feeling of regret eating away at me, his face looks hurt.  I let out a light sigh.

"I'm sorry I might be a little pissed off. I know to think of the possibility that I might be canibalism or Vampirism, kind of silly."  I said, looking down and frowning.

They sit near me and understand my feelings.  I'm grateful for that.  Now that I'm still thirsty, I'll drink blood.  Human blood.  It must look a little disgusting since I'm not a vampire.  Marcus rubbed my back gently, it really helped me to relieve my restlessness.

My bedroom door opened and it was Caius with two bags of blood.  Uh the blood will taste good, it will taste good.  I tried hard to convince myself that I could swallow it.  For my heart.  All for my son.

"This ew looks a little disgusting," I muttered.

I took a breath and sucked it, the blood started to enter my oral cavity my tongue tasted and it tasted a bit strange.  But when it reaches my throat it feels really good.

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