Chapter 14| New operators

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(Zalgo's p.o.v.)
I woke up the next morning, not feeling the presence of Seraphina next to me. I sat up and looked around.
" Seraphina?"
I stood up, looked around, snapping my fingers and changing out of my pajamas and into my usual suit. I walked downstairs and looked around.
" Seraphina?"
" Im in the kitchen, love."
I relaxed and head over. She was making pancakes with Sally.
" How did you sleep?"
" Alright. And you?"
" I slept fine." She turns to sally and picks her up. " Then this little lady woke me up saying she wanted pancakes."
Sally laughed, her little face going red with embarrassment.
" and you're parents?
" Dad is talking with Slender outside and mom, I think, is still in the bed."
I nodded and sat at the kitchen table.
Slowly, the pastas came downstairs one at a time. Sally took her seat and i helped Seraphina pass out the breakfast to everyone. They all talked and laughed.
" Seraphina." Jeff calls.
She turns to him.
" If we pay you, will you come make breakfast for us each morning?"
Everyone had a laugh.
" Only if you pay me in friendship." She chuckled.
" Hell you can have that for free." Jeff laughed.
After breakfast, we all had a good time. Slender chuuckled as he watched everyone with me.
" I've never seen them this happy."
" One big family here, slender." I smiled.
He nodded and went quiet for a moment.
" Slender?"
" May i speak with you? Business wise?"
I straightened a bit and nodded. We headed to his office and walked in, taking a seat at his desk.
" Since my brother is no longer an operator, the slender mansion, along with my other two brothers have lost some protection here in this realm."
I nodded and continued to listen.
" While I understand you have a world to keep an eye on in the underworld, i was thinking you and Seraphina could have a mansion here in this realm."
I raised an eyebrow.
" Slender, here lately, you and I have grown to become friends, but I do have a kingdom to run in the underworld."
" I understand that, but let's think about this for a moment. You have a new, much more trustworthy second in command now, since Onyx is now gone. Then there is, from what Seraphina has told me, Lizzie and Astelle. Her two friends, maids, and from what I gather, her second in command. Those three keep in close contact with you at all times."
I nodded as he continued.
" If you're here, you can get more territory and Seraphina will be closer to her parents. Those three can take care of the underworld while you're gone, but should they need something, they can call you."
I thought for moment and sighed.
" Ill talk to her about it. See how she feels about it first."
Slender nodded and i stood, heading downstairs to her. When i get to her, she was talking with her parents.
" My love."
She turns to me and walks over.
" Yeah?"
" Slender proposed a business plan for me and you. He wants us to come here to this realm and stay while my new genrle and your two maid friends take over in our place in the underworld."
She looked at me for a second.
" I don't know. I'd be happy because I'd be closer to my family, but I dont know if they can do it on their own."
" Well, granted, they would call us if they need help with something."
" Yeah.....i guess thats true."
She sighed and finally nodded.
" Okay."
I smiled and kisses her head.
" Alright. I'll go let him know."
I sat her down and went back to slender. I told him that she agreed to the idea and he started picking out a place for us to claim. A mansion here in the human realm could be made in a matter of weeks maybe a month. For now, we would stay with slender while our new home would be made. Seraphina had informed Astelle of the plans and they were to call should they need our help.

When night came, Seraphina and I walked to the guest room we would be staying in.
" Are you okay, my love?"
She nodded and watched out the window.
" You can't fool me, darling. What's wrong?"
" I....don't know if I want to meet my mother."
I sat beside her and draped an arm around her shoulders.
" Why?"
" I....have you and my human parents. I'm happy with what I have and if she really wanted to meet me, she would've by now."
I placed a kiss on her head.
" My dear, things happen, for sometimes very complicated reasons. I dint think its that she doesn't want to meet you, there could be many other factors at play here."
She nodded, laying a head on my chest.
" But....if that's what you want, then that's what we'll do. We'll just live long and happily, if that's truly what you want."
She smiled at me and nodded. We shared a kiss then pulled away.
" Come on, let's get some sleep."
She nodded and we laid down, covering up.
" Good night, zalgo."
" Good night, my queen."

(Slender's p.o.v.)
Trendor and Splendor stood in my office.
" Zalgo and Seraphina agreed to take the spot that offender lost."
" Really!? They're gonna help us!?" Splendor smiled.
I nodded and Trender let out a laugh.
" Looks like his wife had really softened him up."

That was true, Seraphine has melted his once cold, black heart. You could tell and see the difference in his attitude. He even showed mercy towards us after offender was foolish enough to steal his wife. Seraphina, herself, was a force to be reckoned with. With those two here, they would not only take over Offender's spot of helping protect the other operators, but with the power they had, they could do a lot more.
" We need to find a place close by here so that Seraphina can stay close to her family, but far enough to give them privacy."
Splendor perked up and stood, pointing at the map of territories we all had.
" What about right here? The spot next to the waterfall. It's about an hour away and hidden well. And it's one of my territories."
" Are you sure you wanna give that place up, splendy?" Trender asked, sitting up straight.
" Of course. After they kindness they showed us, this is the least we could do."
We nodded in agreement.
" I'll tell them when morning comes and we can start planning the house building tomorrow."
They nodded and left my room, going to bed.

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