chapter 11|Got away

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(Seraphina's p.o.v.)
The maid, Astelle, and I had become good friends over the course a whole month. Zalgo would find me soon, I knew it. In the mean time, Astelle and I had a routine. I stayed in my room all day, then at night, she'd bring me food and something that was nice to wear but was modest. Offender, however, had caugt on and had forbidden Astelle to come to me again. I growled in annoyance when I found out. He was so annoying, cocky, and rude. Hell, I just wanted to beat his brains in. Sitting on my bed in the dark, I played with a small flame in my hand, making it look like different things and creatures. The door opened and I closed the my open palm, putting out the flame. Offender stood in the door way, a smirk playing his lips.
" If you're just going to stare then go away."
" Now, Now. I only came to see if you're doing well."
" Peachy, now leave."
He sighed, walking over. I rolled my eyes, making the flame appear again, playing around with it from boredom. Offender took my free hand and gave it a kiss. I pulled it away quickly and glared at him.
" You're a tough one to break, aren't you?"
" Go find another girl to use and throw away! I'm not going to be your next play thing!"
He laughed and hearing this made me growl in rage.
" I think I missed the joke."
" There's no joke, it's just sad."
" Oh really? What's sad?"
" That you think you're gonna be like the other girls in my past. Do you know why I brought you here?"
I rolled my eyes in disinterest.
" Not really and I don't care."
He pulled me into his lap, two of his tentacles keeping my hands pinned down. I growled in rage as I looked up at him, he continued to hold that smirk.
" Because I want you to be with me forever."
I went to scream at him only to be meant with his lips on my neck. Blush covered my face as I fought to get away from him.
" Let go!"
" Don't be like that."
I reeled my foot back and kicked him off of me. He fell to the ground and taking the opportunity, I ran through the open door and down the hall to the downstairs area. I ran out the front door and booked into a dark forest. I heard a voice call out to me.
" My lady!"


I stopped and turned around. There she was, running as fast as she could and when she caught up, we took off running again. Once we were deep enough into the woods, we stopped to catch our breathes.
" Finally we're out of there!" I smiled.
Astelle smiled back, putting a big bag down on the ground.
" What's in the bag?"
" Food, water, clothes, and..."
She reached into the bag and pulled out a book. It was dark red and looked ancient.
" I fought this in the master's library. It's a fire spell book. One thing that all the slender brothers have in common is the large array of books they all keep."
She looked up at me with a big smile.
" The master put a barrier around the house that limited your power usage, but now that you're out, maybe this book can be of help to you."
I smiled, taking the book and opening it. This book could be a total game changer. I looked the pages of the books, even though the book was old, it was written in English, so I could read it easily. I looked through all the spells and marked a few I could try for later. I closed the book and turned to Astelle.
" We cant be out in the open like this. We need a place to stay and hide
Astelle nodded and we reached around your a place to stay.
" My lady, over here!"
I turned to Astelle and ran over to where she stood. Not too far off in the distance was an old cabin, ran down and covered in dust. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. Running over as quickly as we could then ran inside. I was right, the cabin was pretty ran down, but not as bad as I thought. I opened the book and began to practice some magic. There was so many useful spells and i was so excited to learn them all. I started with the one the was the most interesting, Lava Creatures. I read the page and did my best to follow as instructed. The page said when making a lava creature, I must close my eyes and look back on the things that make me angry, turning the rage into a thick syrup of sorts. This would turn the fire into lava. After you do that, you had to think of a creature of your choosing, focusing on its form. After reading the page, I closed my eyes, thinking back to all the times i was bullied for being adopted or for my appearance, how horrible I felt for it. I growled at the thought if my bullies then a lump formed in my throat and I felt heavy. I felt the fire in my hand slowly turn into a thick liquid as it dripped from my hand. I thought of an animal and since this was the first time I tried this spell, I decided to go with a cat. It would be small enough to where if it got out of hand, it wouldn't be to hard to get rid of. As the book said, I tried to focus on the form of the cat. After a short moment, I heard a moewing sound. I opened my eyes and saw a cat in the palm of my hand. It jumped onto the ground and stared up at me. I smiled at turned to Astelle.
" A-Astelle! Look! I did it!"
She smiled brightly at me.
" That was wonderful, my lady!"
I turned back and smiled at the creature I had made.

Zalgo will be so surprised when he sees what I've learned.

The next following weeks, I studied as many spells and attacks as I could. A few spells were harder than others, but I learned to make my creatures, along with Weapons besides the whip I can usually make. I also learned to make fire barriers and to make lava in general. When I wasn't studying, I was helping Astelle with something in the house. I sat in my hand, the book in my hand. I missed Zalgo so much that it killed me. Astelle walked in, a trey of treats and a cup of tea in her hand. She walks over and sits them down.
" Are you okay, my lady??"
" I miss my Zalgo."
She looks down and sighs.
" I know, my lady."
I looked down and sigh, reaching for my tea. Taking a drink, I looked through the book.

I want to go home.

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