Chapter 6| Noble lady

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( Seraphina's p.o.v.)
When I woke up I was in a beautiful bed room that was nothing but red and black. I looked down at myself. I was in a red dress and a crown was on my head. I got off the bed and looked around.
" Good morning."
I turned my head and saw Zalgo in his demon form. I forget how much of a giant he was in that form.
" Hey, what happened?"
" When Slender tried to attack me, you reacted quite violently and surrounded us with your fire, then you transformed into what you're in now."
I nodded.
" H-How long was I out?"
" About three days or more maybe. I was worried."
I smiled up at him.
" I'm fine."
He quickly got down one knee.
" Your nose is bleeding."
He whipped the blood away with his thump and sighed.
" You should take it easy. I don't want you to push yourself."
I nodded.
" Where are we and where are my parents?"
" You're in the underworld, and Your parents are with Slender. We made a deal. Slender would watch over and protect your parents, and I will protect you. When you transformed, you let out a lot of powerful energy, and the fire beast came and destroyed your home."
I looked down and sighed heavily.
" Oh..."
Zalgo gave me a kiss and pulled away with a smile.
" Don't worry, thanks to the symbols on you, everyone knows not to bother you."
I looked down and saw that the symbols were on me.
" Oh, I didn't even notice them."
He laughed.
" You're so cute."
I blushed.
" S-Shut up!"
He laughed at me, picking me up with one arm. When I said he was a giant, he was a GIANT!! I was able to sit on one of his arms for god's sake!
" How can you be this much of a giant?! You weren't this big when we first ment!"
He laughed.
" Things are a bit different here in the underworld, Love dove."
A knock came from the door.
" Come in." Zalgo growled.
A demon dressed in armor walked in and he turned to me. He froze and quickly bowed his head.
" M-My lady! I'm glad to see you are awake!" He quickly said.
I blushed.
" Y-You don't need to bow."
He nodded and turned to Zalgo.
" My lord, your head general is here."
He nodded, then turned to me.
" Do you want to stay or come along?"
" I'll come along if I'm not that much trouble."
He smiled.
" You are never any trouble to me."
I nodded, then all of us left the room. Zalgo still carried me in one arm as I sat there, completely quiet and nervous. We soon came a large room with a large round table. However, only a demon in a high ranking black army uniform and a demon in a black lower ranking uniform were in the room. They turned to us and quickly bowed their heads when they saw me.
" My lady, we are happy to see your okay."
" You don't need to bow to me."
They nodded, then turned to Zalgo.
" Lord Zalgo, my team is almost done with the hunting for the fire beasts."
Zalgo nodded.
" Thank you, Onyx. You're excused."
He nodded then they left with the guard. Zalgo and I then went back to our room. Zalgo sat me down and gave me a kiss.
" I'll have to go to a few meetings, you can go anywhere you like and if anyone bothers you, let me know."
I nodded.
" I love you, Zalgo."
" I love you too."
He then left the room, leaving me alone. I left the room soon after and looked around. I looked around Zalgo's home, and then bumped into someone. I quickly turned them. It was a maid. She looked up at me scared.
" My lady, I'm so so sorry."
She quickly bowed.
" No, please don't bow." I said, getting down on my knees in front of her.
" No, it was my fault, I didn't see you there and-!"
A new voice was then heard screaming at the maid.
" How dare you make a Noble young goddess get down on her knees in front of you!"
We both looked up and saw General Onyx.
" No, She's fine. I-!"
" Get this maid!" He ordered.
A couple of guards and started to drag her off.
" LET GO OF HER!" I yelled.
The guards stopped as my hair caught flame and my eyes glowed bright red.
The guards quickly let her go as I began to calm down.
" She is fine, it was an accident. No one is at fault here!"
General Onyx stepped closer to me. I glared at him.
" And as for you, you are not allowed to go near her ever again!"
I quickly grabbed the maid and stomped off with her. After a while, I turned to her.
" Are you okay?"
She nodded.
" Yes, my lady. I'm sorry."
" Hey, it is not your fault. It was an accident, it was no one's fault."
She nodded.
" Now, you go on. I'll see you soon."
She nodded again then left. I started feel dizzy and couldn't see straight. The guard that came to mine and Zalgo's room before walked up to me.
" My lady, are you-!"
I fell to the floor, coughing up blood.
" My lady!"
He quickly picked me up and turned to another guard.
" Go inform master Zalgo."
He then ran to mine and Zalgo's room. Everything around me went black. When I came to, I felt a cold rag on my forehead and the maid from before was at my bedside with Zalgo.
" Z-Zalgo?"
My voice was weak. He turned to me and sat next to me.
" Hey, this young maid told me everything. I had a talk with General Onyx and we got some things straightened out."
I nodded slowly.
" Okay..."
Zalgo kissed my head and gave me a hug.
" I'll be back soon, okay?"
I nodded, then Zalgo left. I turned to the maid.
" W-what's your name?"
" Lizzie. I have you a change of clothes if you want to change into cooler clothes."
I nodded sitting up. Lizzie then left for me to change. I changed and once I did I laid back down.

 I changed and once I did I laid back down

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I feel sick to my stomach....

( Zalgo's p.o.v.)
After all my meetings I went to my room, closing the door behind me. I blushed as I saw Seraphina wore a beautiful red nightgown. She was sound asleep. I walked over and rubbed her head.

My little goddess.

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