Chapter 17

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Mal and Evie went to find Audrey. The rest stayed back to protect the castle in case it went under attack. Mal sighs hating she's in the same position she was before. She constantly remembers the battle between her and Audrey a year ago. Mal in dragon form and Audrey with her mother's scepter. Uma finally helping Mal and getting the ember to work. The ember almost killing Audrey if Mal's dad wasn't willing to help. She doesn't want it to get to that point again. She knows Audrey and even though they had a rough relationship, Audrey agreed to not let her jealousy get the better of her. Mal didn't think she'd go back to her old ways.

They continue walking, hoping Audrey would be at the fairy cottage like she was when she first did this. "What if we can't find her?" Mal asks worried. "We will M...," Evie says not totally sure, but not wanting to lose hope. They make it to the cottage and they try to open the door.

Unexpectedly, it was unlocked.

They open it and look around cautiously for any traps that could be set for intruders. They look around all the rooms and in closets, but no ones there. They sigh thinking about where else she could be when they hear the door hinges creak. They freeze and turn around. They know if it's Audrey they can take her and try to talk to her, but if it's someone else they need a plan. They get into a fighting stance prepared for anything. The mysterious person walks around and then they come face to face with a man. He's about 5'8, brown curly hair, brown eyes, and dressed in somewhat fancy clothes. "Who are you?" Mal asks not recognizing him at all. The man smirks.

"I'm Arc...son of sleeping beauty."


"What?!" Evie and Mal exclaim in unison. "I think you know my sister...Audrey." "Audrey has a brother? How come we've never heard of you?" Evie asks. Arc chuckles. "I'm forgotten...ever since Audrey was with Ben soon to be king...she was all anyone talked about. How lucky Audrey is to be with a prince and soon to be queen." He then looks at Mal and his smirk is replaced with a scowl. "And then you just waltz right in and steal him from her and our family is left with NOTHING." "Hey hey okay calm down...if you're the one jealous here...why is Audrey doing all of this?" Mal asks. "Because I'm controlling her of course. I tried to recruit her, but you guys brainwashed her into telling her she was enough on her own and should find someone else when I still don't accept it." "So you're taking over the kingdom...because you're jealous?" "No!" Arc exclaims sounding somewhat like a child.

"Look...we could stop this right now. Take whatever control you have over Audrey off and we can let you off easy." Arc chuckles. "No no it won't be that easy...I don't give up when I want something." Mals eyes turn green and she magic's handcuffs onto his wrists. "Alright well you have to because our kingdom won't go under anymore attacks. You're coming with us." Arc sighs. "Audrey was right about do ruin everything."

"Lets go," Mal says ignoring him and walking out of the cottage Evie pushing Arc out the door forcing him to go. Mal poofs them back to the castle and walks him in. Everyone sees them and runs to them. "Arc?" Ben says seeming to recognize him. "You know him?" Mal asks. "Yeah of course...I've known Audreys family a long time." Arc looks at him. "And here's the famous benny boo who broke my sisters heart." "It's been a while Arc...Audreys over it should be too." "I'll never be over it! Our family was destined for greatness and now people hate us!" "Then, maybe you should have a change of heart like Audrey did...and fix all this." Arc looks at everyone and realizes he is surrounded. "Fine...but this isn't over." "Oh I think it is," Mal says crossing her arms. "I'm gonna need my hands to reverse everything." "Yeah right you'll just escape," Mal says and then spots a crystal around his neck. She goes over and rips it off. "Is this controlling her?" Arc goes silent and Mal takes that as her answer dropping it to the floor and stomping on it.   Pink mist floats out of it and then disappears.

Everything goes back to normal.

They bring Arc down to the dungeons until he agrees to let go of his grudge.

When they go back upstairs, Audrey comes running in. "I'm so sorry I wasn't doing it it was my brother I would never do this again," Audrey rambles. Mal puts her arms on her shoulders. "Audrey breathe we know." "You do? Do you know where my brother is now?" "We locked him up...maybe you could talk to
him." "Unlikely...I tried to talk to him before all this and he wouldn't stop and when I didn't agree to help...he controlled me with a crystal he bought at some black market." " learned will he," Mal says smiling. "Audrey smiles back. "Well...I'll go see him and see what I can do." Mal nods and lets Audrey go down to the dungeons. Ben goes up
to Mal and holds her sighing. "Glad that's over," Ben says rubbing her back. Mal nods in his arms breathing in his scent. "
too." They lift up and Mal smiles before doubling over in pain. "Mal!" Ben exclaims going to catch her.

"I...I think it's the baby...somethings wrong."

hey guys! i'm so sorry it took me so long to update! i finally got motivation!! i hope you guys like this!! thank you all so much for all the support on this story!!

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