Chapter 3

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*Bens POV*

I waited for Mal to come back. I was worried. She looked very sick and I wish I could help her. I know she's probably really stressed;with becoming Queen soon and being responsible for important decisions. Mal was gone for a while and my mom even went to check on her. Maybe I should go see her. As I was about to leave I see my mother walk through the door, but I didn't see Mal.
"Mom, where's Mal?" I asked really worried now.
"I found her and she was throwing up. She's in her room resting."
I sigh. So she is sick. I should check on her. I excuse myself and walk to Mal's room. I open it gently as to not make any noise and I see her. Her face looks pale but her cheeks still a little rosy and she's laying down holding her stomach. I walk to her and sit down and gently stroke her cheek. God she's so beautiful. I still can't believe she's mine and I'm hers. I see the finger with her engagement ring on and I smile gently picking up her hand.
She moves and her eyes slowly open and she looks at me with her beautiful emerald green eyes. I smile and she smiles little going to sit up.
"Lay down don't worry I want you to rest."
"It's okay," she says sitting up. She pats the spot next to her and I smile taking off my shoes and going to the spot next to her. She lays her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her.
"You okay? My mom said you were throwing up."
"Yeah...I guess I caught some type of bug or maybe I ate something bad."
"Well, don't worry. I'll be here to take care of you."
She smiles and looks at me and I lean in. Our lips meet and we share a sweet kiss. We lift up and our foreheads lean on each other. Color starts to go back to her cheeks.

*Mals POV*
I love Ben.
I love when we kiss. I love when we cuddle. I love when we have moments like this. And I would hate for this to end if he finds out I'm pregnant. He'll probably leave me and I'll be alone again. I hold in my tears thinking about it. I can't lose him. He's my light. He keeps me on the right track. He's the reason I want to be good. He looks at me with his beautiful eyes and I know I got to tell him now.
"Ben....there's something I need to tell you."
"What is it?"
I take a deep breathe and say, "I'm....pregnant." I look at him and he just freezes not sure what to say. I wait for an answer but, it doesn't come. I sigh. "I know you probably don't even want to be with me I will just-" He pulls me into a kiss and I kiss back relieved. He's okay with it?! We lift up and I look at him. He looks at me and smiles big.
"I'm so happy! We we need to announce it immediately! Tell my parents, Fairy-Godmother, Evie, Jay, Carlos! We-,"
"Woah woah okay wait you're happy about it?! Don't you think we're a little too young..?"
"We're already getting married; having a baby adds to the joy!" I smile. Maybe he's right. Maybe this doesn't have to be so bad. We cuddle and slowly fall asleep planning on telling everyone in the morning.
The next morning...

I wake up in Ben's arms and I smile looking at him. He looks so cute and peaceful when he sleeps. I move the hair off his forehead and smile kissing him. He wakes up and smiles looking at me.
"True loves kiss works every time." I joke giggling. He chuckles and kisses me again.
"Good morning my love." We get up and get dressed. We then walk out hand in hand. First stop: his parents, then Fairy-Godmother, then Jay and Carlos and Evie, even though she already knows. We go to his parents door and I hesitate. He holds my hand and smiles. That gives me strength. Knowing Ben is with me always.

I knock.

It takes a few seconds before the door opens revealing Belle who smiles big when she sees us. She's in a short yellow dress with sandals and her brown hair in a low bun to the side.
"Hi Belle...can we come in?"
"Of course!" She opens the door more and moves to the side letting us in. We smile and walk in still holding hands. Ben's dad walks over with his usual blue suit and his black glasses on his face.
"What's going on?" He asks looking at us. I take a deep breathe and just say it.

"I'm pregnant."
Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed the third chapter!! So, she finally told Ben and now told his parents!! Wonder what they're reactions will be!! I hope my writing continues to improve as I write more! Please comment!! Thank you all for your kind comments in the first two chapters I'm so happy you're enjoyed this story!! ❤️

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