Kian - Chapter Five

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Davina King

An hour.

That's how long I had been sitting in this bed not wanting to move. When I had woken up I had hoped that the previous night had all just been a dream. I had hoped I would wake up in my own apartment, in my own room, in my own bed. Instead I woke up in a random guys apartment, in his spare bedroom. Too top it all off I'm hiding from someone that apparently wants me dead now because of a handsome stranger.

A stranger. Fuck I'm stupid.

That's all he was. A random guy. I didn't even know his name and I'm staying at his place. I just met him not even a whole day ago. I'd like to think I was a fairly smart girl but this, this is just complete stupidity. I know I chose to stay last night but was that really the right choice? I mean after all this man was being shot at and no one gets shot at for no reason.

I finally decided to get out of bed to figure out who the hell this guy is. I shivered as I removed myself from under the bedding, still being in my clothes from last night didn't help any. As I entered the living room I could already see him sitting at the kitchen island in only a pair of black sweatpants.

Damn he's good looking.

His hair was a mess, looking like he had just ran his hands through it. The sweatpants were sitting low on his waist exposing his deep v-line. His tattoos spread around his whole upper body. The muscles on his back contorted every time he would bring his coffee mug to his lips. In his other hand he held a lit cigarette.

"Mmm coffee and cigarettes, sounds like a good breakfast" I teased him.

"The breakfast of champions." He lifted his cup towards me then took another sip.

I started to look in the different cabinets for a cup. While he could have helped me by telling me where they were he just at sat there and snickered at my frustration until I found them. I made myself a cup of coffee and then sat down leaving a stool between him and I.

My common sense finally started to kick in and I knew I had to start talking to him about everything. "So tell me what I need to know."

"Excuse me?" He turned to face me with a confused look.

"I'm stuck here because there are people that could kill me, I've come to realize you're probably some sort of bad person that could also kill me, I don't have any stuff from my place so I have to walk around here dressed like a whore and freezing my ass off. I don't know your name, what you do, or why the hell people were trying to kill you, so please I would like a fucking explanation for how my life has came to this in less than a damn day." I was shocked at myself for going off the way I did but once I started I couldn't stop.

He put his cigarette out in the ash tray and then started speaking. "First of all, you need to watch that attitude of yours before I have to put you in your place. Second of all, my name is Matteo Romano and I own many businesses in which I am very successful so I have a lot of enemies and a lot of people want to take me and those businesses down. And lastly, we can go to your place so you can get whatever you need but you're not going alone and if I am not with you I at least need to know where you'll be."

I had to laugh at a few of his remarks cause he must think he can control me. "So possessive already and we haven't even hooked up." This got me a hard stare from him. "And the thing about my attitude, that's not gonna change. This attitude of mine is what helps keep me safe from random creeps at the club, so do what you want but it's not going anywhere."

"Well on the bright side of things because I'm fucking stupid you now know exactly where I live, the floor number and the apartment number, so I can't really just let you go back to the club. I can find something for you but it'll be within one of my businesses where I can keep a close eye on you." He has got to be fucking with me right now. He's just gonna take my job away from me and stick me in a whole new one.

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