My Girl - Chapter Nineteen

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Matteo Romano

My eyes slowly opened to look straight up at my bedroom ceiling. The room was just starting to be lit up by the rising sun coming through the windows. I figured it was around 6am. I went to move to get out of bed when I felt the weight that was on top of me.

When I looked down I saw Davina. Her lower body was covered by the blanket while her upper body was hidden by the black button up I wore last night. I only had on a pair of grey sweatpants.

Her legs were straddling my waist, her arms were tucked under mine like she was giving me a hug in her sleep, and her face was nestled into my chest. My arm was wrapped tightly around her waist and the opposite hand was on the back of one of her thighs.

I don't remember falling asleep like this.

A weird feeling started to creep up in me. I'm not the type who cuddles girls after we've fucked. I didn't even cuddle Davina the first time she slept in my bed.

At least I don't remember cuddling her. She had woken up before me and left that morning.

I needed to get up but I didn't want to wake Davina. As carefully as I could, I lifted her off of me and placed her back down on the pillows in the middle of the bed. She stirred a little but then cuddled into a pillow and was sound asleep again.

I caught myself staring at her for longer than I should have, but she looked so beautiful when she slept. I couldn't help myself. I eventually had to break myself away from her beautiful body wrapped up in my sheets.

I had a few meetings with people who work for me, so I wouldn't be home for the majority of the day.

First I got a shower because I desperately needed to wash the smell of sweat and sex off of me. Then I got dressed in a grey button down and black dress pants.

I was ready to leave when the thought of making sure Davina knew I wouldn't be home crossed my mind.

I could have just sent her a text or called her when I had a free minute, but those options didn't even cross my mind at the time.

Instead, I walked over to her sleeping figure on my bed and crouched down next to her. I lightly brushed her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"Davina." I tried to say her name but it didn't wake her up. I let out a huff of air at how heavy of a sleeper she was. I moved my hand down the side of her neck and rubbed my thumb across her skin.

"Angel." I said slightly louder than before.

Her eyelashes blinked opened and her bright blue eyes came up to meet mine.

"I won't be here most of the day, I have a few meetings I have to attend." I told her while still keeping my thumb in motion on her neck.

She nodded and let out a quiet 'okay' before rolling over and cuddling back into the pillows.

When she turned, the blanket came off of her body. My shirt was raised up to her hips and her bare ass was on full display for me.

The things I would do to be able to crawl back into bed with her right now.

I had to walk out of the room before the thoughts of what her ass had looked like when I was taking her from behind last night over took my mind and i canceled every plan I had for today.

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