Chapter 28) Melbrew's Truth

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          We all stared at the woman who stood before us in silent shock. It couldn’t be, there was no way…

          She stepped towards us, we stepped back.

          “Do you know how long I have been down in these tunnels?” She asked, calmly. “I have not stepped foot on this Earth’s surface since the day I lost my mind. And now, look what you’ve all done to me!” Her voice grew bitter, “The last two people who still stood standing, the last two people to keep me company, you made them flee this physical realm for another. I refused. I refused to go to the 'home' which decided that I was not worthy of living in. I refuse to touch that filthy surface full of humans, and wolves, oh those FILTHY WOLVES!” She yelled in a growl, lowly.

          “W– We thought you were dead!” Cameron stuttered in fear and disbelief. Those kids before us, they– they saw your corpse!”

          "That was a decoy, you foolish child! I thought I could scare those kids off and no one would come back to my home. All it did was cause people to try and break in all the time. Imbeciles, you humans! For the last century, I've been forced to live down in these tunnels in solitude! I was waiting for the time to strike, after I became the new leader. Vladimir perished to a dirty wolf's claws. They weren't even a werewolf; they no longer had their magic! They stabbed him and got away with it by running off into the daylight! I curse that Lou Munafur! CURSE IT!

          This used to be OUR home until that dreaded Viktor and Alexander came here! They wanted to be special and go to other dimensions like they weren't a pair of pathetic humans!" She pointed to Veronica, "Your family moved here, and when they did, they killed us all! The Ivanovs came here, and they discovered that us vampires who were cast out to Earth found a way to and from here and the Shadow Realm. They didn't like that.

          Vladimir Enzkriva was the leader of our town. After the two moved here in hopes of accomplishing their dimension traveling goals, they quickly abandoned the idea. Instead, they switched to stopping the vampires, their new life's purpose. They had an old family member back in Russia who experimented on vampires and was killed by one. They were very aware of us and our 'evils' as they called it. They took their steaks and pitchforks and fire and killed us all and burnt down our village to replace it with their own.

        Vladimir, me, and a few others of our kind lived, and we were filled with HATRED! Viktor and Alexander burnt down most of our precious, age-old town and rebuilt it because they believed it to be cursed! But a part of the town remained. Our Enzkriville is still out there somewhere, hidden away. Somewhere they haven't found yet, but no longer belongs to us. Vladimir's son and granddaughter have taken it over with their 'Bloodmoon Society' as they call it." She mocked.

          "They aim on making peace between vampires, werewolves and humans. Vlad would've been ASHAMED! This group we are a part of dates back thousands of years, and was originally aimed at wolves when we operated in Old Vamparial. They've reclaimed the small town that's still left, and let all of us original founders rot in the underground! Those and those damn WOLF WORSHIPPERS!

         First our own cast us out, and we manage to find a way to go back home, and even help them fight against the werewolves! But no! No one ever likes US! We’re the bottom of the barrel when it comes to vampires, and for what? We started this cult on Old Vamparial. Us and that Francesca Queen would lure them in and take their magic, and then we'd dump them here, where the rest of us on Earth would off them! But sometimes they'd go under our radar.” She laughed maniacally, “When I find that Lou Munafur oh the things I'd do to it!"

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