Chapter 33) Wrapped Up Ends

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          It was Thursday, May 4th, 2017, our 16th History club meeting. I arrived the same as I always did, taking my usual seat at the round wooden table I had become all too familiar with. The air around me was damp and wet from the weather outside, and in that air it carried a feeling of solemness. I looked out a window to the lightly falling rain as I waited patiently for the fake meeting to pass. Soft thunder rumbled in the sky, deep within it, and I felt calm.

          It's bizarre how calm we all were with the whole thing, given the circumstances. How we barely bat an eye at being in a different realm. It was all too crazy for us to comprehend, things moved so fast. The morning after I had a big crisis, and I've felt a stillness in the air ever since. How could we have taken such a crazy experience for granted like that?

          The room was quiet, but it wasn't creepy nor uncomfortable. It simply felt... melancholic? Was it a sad feeling? I'm not very sure. maybe bittersweet. But it was definitely reflective. Mr. Marshall dismissed the class, and the students all quietly grabbed their things and walked out into the hallway.

          Cameron and Marcie entered directly after them, not even letting the door shut. They each wore headphones as they silently entered, holding hands. Veronica entered behind them, as she recently started showing up to the meetings, too. Something felt off though, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. Like one more person should be coming through the door.

          Dominik and I got up from our table near the window, and moved spots to our usual seats with the main group, as we all sat together around another circular table. "Well then," Mr. Marshall said, voice loud in the room, despite the noise of rain and softly rumbling skies. "A lot has happened since our last meeting, no?"

          We all nodded our heads. Then I realized why the air felt so empty, as I looked at the two empty seats at the table.

          "Kimi and Kai are gone." I said quietly, "That's one thing."

          "Yeah." Cameron said with a sigh, then sadly shook his head, "They were coming around again, too. Kai was saving up a shit ton of money for him and Kimi move out once he hit 18 and aged out of the system, he's gonna be pissed when he realised he could've spent the money the whole time, because it was for nothing. Now they're probably in danger."

           "I prefer to hope they're happier now. They chose to stay behind. Hopefully things will get better, and they can live a better life. They're probably still vampires, too. I'm sure it wouldn't take them long to fit right in." Veronica said in an attempt to comfort him.

          “I’m in touch with that vampire girl that gave me this phone.” Dominik said, holding up the phone he got in Vamparial. “I’ve told her to keep an eye out for them, so hopefully not all hope is lost.”

          “I don’t think that that’s a wise idea.” A woman who had been sitting in the corner of the room said. I hadn’t even noticed her, and for a second I was confused. She finished whatever she was writing on her laptop and came over to us.

          “I could hear in Dominik’s voice that he was confused, too. “Why? How would you know that? Who even are you?”

          “Everyone,” Mr. Marshall said, “This is my fiancée, Jane Howell.”

          “Pleased to finally meet you all.” She said, “I’ve heard you’re big fans of my book!”

         "Oh, nice to meet you, too!" Veronica said in surprise, "You're book definitely helped us in figuring everything out! When did you get here?"

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