Chapter 7) The Golden Key

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        It was now Saturday, the 1st of October, officially the month of Halloween. It was a slow day, to say the least. I mostly spent my time reading, watching TV, and listening to music. A lot of resting was also done in attempts to recover from the physical aching and agony that my body was going through from yesterday's travels. Benny was the perfect companion for a lazy Saturday.
        While I was reading, I had the local news on as background noise. It can range from something completely stupid to something worth speculating, so I liked to keep it on in case anything interesting may pop up.
        And that's exactly what happened. 
        Once I heard that the Novas were mentioned, my focus snapped from my book straight to the television. I placed my bookmark inside the book and set it aside to listen, giving the television my full, undivided attention. The family of three was standing on the road that cut through the forest, connecting two other roads together. It was where the police station and fire station were located, as well as a few stray buildings and houses.
        "I feel that this key may be haunted or possessed by some kinda demonic spirit," Laura Nova said. "My daughters found it while cleaning out the basement, and that's when all these evil things began happening."
        The news reporter spoke, "So you think this key has cursed your family, is that right?"
        "Well yeah, I do now. I was thinkin' about that large decorative key we found down in the basement, and realised it was the same day our troubles began. So yes ma'am, I do believe this key is cursed."
        I now began to think... what exactly could a key like that be for? Maybe… just maybe, it unlocked that door in the woods? Yeah, it was a stretch, but it looked fit to play the part. It was old, large, and had a certain kind of charm to it that some other ordinary key wouldn't have. Not to mention that they think an evil spirit is attached to it, or that it's cursed in some way.
        There were a few people standing around in the background, but two in particular caught my eye. I moved closer to the TV in an attempt to get a better look, but it wasn't much help as the quality was terrible. They were just a bunch of pixels on the screen, but I tried my best to figure out their features. They were two old people, a man and a woman. That itself wasn't very weird, but the way they looked to be acting was a little bit off. Their body language was strange. 
        They appeared to be whispering to each other, and kept looking towards the camera suspiciously. It seemed that the woman convinced him to move away from sight of the camera, as they moved off screen after she said something. It just seemed weird to me for some reason, like a gut feeling, but in the end I decided not to pay it much mind.
        Dominik and I texted about it for a bit in the group chat, but as I said, the weekend was slow. There wasn't too much to say about it unless we could get more information. I felt so much better on Monday, as did the rest of my friends. We still ached a bit, but not like how we felt Saturday morning.
        When I went to gym class, I finally decided to talk to Nora a bit, so I made my attempt and walked over to her, "Hi, Nora! You don't know me, but I know you, well, actually, that sounds kind of weird, whoops. Uh, my name's Emmy." Why was I nervous? I've asked myself that question a lot since moving...
        She laughed a little bit, "Nah, I know you. You're that new girl who hangs with Dom, Cam, and Kai. Did you hear about me from Dom, or did you hear about me on the news?" She said, laughing a bit more.
        "That's actually what I wanted to ask you about, um, if you don't mind, of course." 
        "Nah dude, I don't mind, hit me with questions."
        "Where did that key come from? Like, where do you think? I know you found it in your basement, but like... originally speaking?"
        She shrugged, "I dunno, we just found it. When we moved here there was still some stuff left in the basement, but we didn't care much about it. When we found the key things started happening to my little sister, and it worries us enough that we're considering moving out of town, but my mom's convinced that it's cursed us. She's paranoid we can't escape it. I've no clue where it could've come from originally."
        "Do you think I could have the key? I actually have an idea of what it might be for, as strange as that may sound."
        "Sorry, but that's outta my control now, we gave it to the police and I'm pretty sure they won't just hand it over. What do you think it's for?" She asked, curiosity laced her voice.
        "My friends and I found something underground that had a door with a large keyhole. It only makes sense to me that the two would go together."
        "Damn, really? That's crazy… Don't suppose I could go with y'all if you end up going down there?"

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