Chapter 13) Trick-or-Tresspass

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          Things dispersed a lot faster than I felt they should. The murder was the only thing on the news for a few days, but just like some kind of trend, it stopped. People didn't seem afraid, or worried, or grieving. It was bizarre to me, but that's because I was. I was afraid, and anxious, and worried. I wouldn't be at ease until the killer is caught. But I guess the fact that police were searching was enough to put most people at ease.

          The date was Saturday, the 29th of October, which is when this town goes trick-or-treating. From what I've seen places usually hold it on October 31st regardless of the day of the week, but Cameron told me that Melbrew always celebrates on the nearest Saturday. Honestly a good idea! Though again, I was quite surprised Halloween was still allowed to happen, considering recent events.
          Apparently Halloween was an incredibly popular holiday here, with all the "rumors" about the town and whatnot. The day before, at the end of the school day, the principal faked a blackout and put spooky music over the speakers. He then said he was being taken by ghosts, before he wished a Happy Halloween. Funny, but all things considered I wouldn't doubt that that could actually happen... You know what? RIP to that man, he was probably possessed.
          I stood in my front yard as I waited for the others to arrive. I could hear the slight laughter and chatter of little children in the distance, but people rarely ever came down my way. Down to where my house is, near the edge of the town. I stood alone for the most part, which I preferred. I don't blame them, of course, considering the bloodbath that happened across the street not too long ago. The caution tape was quite intimidating, I must admit. Very, very eerie.

          It had just turned 7 o'clock, and people had been walking around for an hour now. The only thing that did come my way, however, were the police. Very frequently, it felt intrusive almost. Like they were watching me, which they definitely were. Relax, I'm walking outside my house!

          They littered the streets, they were absolutely everywhere. Usually police drive around on Halloween anyways, but considering the tragic event, they were patrolling in squads. This was going to be so much harder then it needed to be, but Cameron– and unfortunately Veronica– were insistent on going through with it that night. Come to think of it, why did a small town like this even have a full-on police station? This town is small enough for only a sheriff or two. But I didn't contemplate it... at that moment.
          It was sort of dim outside, like I was looking through a grey filter, but it was also slightly bright at the same time. The rain wasn't soft, but it wasn't pouring, either. Everything felt neutral, it felt like a balance of calm. and I thought that was perfect. I looked to my house, Cameron's pumpkin glowing proudly on my porch.
          I was wearing a dark purple raincoat, walking around while I waited. I looked towards the forest near my house, and went to walk on the road. Raindrops tapped against my coat and the road, filling the otherwise silent air with sounds. Birds could be heard all around, like they were chatting about their soon to come migration to the south, and the crickets chirped distantly.
          The weather was becoming quite chilly by then, as it was near mid-autumn. I had on a few layers, making me feel cozy against the cold color Palette. Instead of a few stray leaves falling occasionally from the skies, the trees where now in full color. Orange, red, and yellow leaves coated the forests and streets, soon to fall in masses during the coming weeks.

          The blueish grey sky slowly darkened as the minutes ticked by, and as the atmosphere grew colder, it got more blue. I could smell the rain, and the dirt, and the grass. The droplets and breeze would hit against my face, I was excited for tonight. Earth set up quite an ambience for our little journey, and the ambience makes the mood.
          I began to hear the nearby train in the distance, and the trees began to look more like animated silhouettes. Their branches shook in the breeze, and it got even colder. I hoped they would hurry up, as I was ready to go. The rain picked up slightly. 
          By the time 7:15 came about, the atmosphere began to quiet down. A sudden stop of every sensation. It's so bizarre when the weather does that, isn't it? I jumped a little when the sound of my phone ringing disturbed the silence. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at who was calling me, but to my surprise it wasn't one of my friends or a random number. It was Veronica, I had forgotten I gave her my number a few days prior.
          "Uh, yeah? That's me."
          "I'll meet you at the graveyard at eight. I might be late. Don't go without me." Was all she said, then hung up. Well alright then. Rude.
          By 7:30 I finally began to hear the sound of voices and wet footsteps making their way down the road. I turned, expecting to see little kids making their way here. However, it was my friends that were walking up. Cameron waved excitedly and I waved back.
          "Dude, are you fucking ready for this shit?" He yelled out to me.
          "Dude, I've been ready!" I yelled back, "But be a little cautious, the children might hear you!" I joked.
          "I don't give a FUCK about the children!" He yelled. All I could do was laugh and shake my head. He was truly a character. The four of them picked up their pace to a jog.
          "Wasn't Veronica supposed to come with us?" He asked when they finally reached me, sounding hopeful.
          "She said she'd meet us at the graveyard."
          "Damn, I was hopin' she bailed. Oh well. Onwards!" He said, and began to lead the way to the graveyard, which was pretty much in my backyard, so it only took a few minutes. Veronica wasn't waiting by the gates. 
          "Oh wow look at that she's not here, let's go in without 'er, yeah?" Cameron said.
          "No, no." I said, "She said she'd meet us here at eight."

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