Chapter 21) An Empty Cold

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[ December 25th, 2016 ]

          I awoke on Christmas morning to the smell of freshly baked gingerbread cookies. I stretched and yawned as my eyes adjusted to the light that peered through from behind my blue curtains. I pushed them aside and was pleased to be greeted by the sight of a white Christmas. Small flakes of snow fell gently from the skies, and the blaring light of day was slightly shielded by a thin layer of cloud.

          I walked down the creaking stairs to the living room in my pajamas, smilling at Benny batting at a tree ornament. Walking into the kitchen, I was not suprised to see trays of cookies sitting on the countertops.

          “Good morning, Emmy!” My mom happily greeted me, removing yet another tray of cookies from the oven, shutting the door with her foot.

          “Good–” I yawned, “Good morning, mom.”

          "Your father and I baked gingerbread cookies!"

          "I can tell."

          My mom put her oven-mitt hands on her hips, giving me a look, then rolling her eyes. "So sarcastic! Take a cookie, they're fresh." She said, removing her gloves, nudging the tray towards me before jerking back with an, "ouch! See, fresh! Your friends brought you some presents, how nice of them."

          "Oh?" I questioned, picking up a cookie with my fingernails.

          "Dropped them off last night while you were sleeping. A kid with green hair dropped off two and said something about an evil, deceptive Santa Claus." She said, giving me a weird look, "But the beautiful blonde girl was very nice, and seemed to have her head on her shoulders." She said, hinting to be more approving of her.

          I grabbed a plate from the cupboard and took a few cookies from the elaborate arrangement my mom set up. It was like we were going to have a bunch of people over for a party, though it sat neatly displayed for only three. Well, three and a cat with a very big sweet tooth who tried to lick the green icing off the elf-shaped cookies!

         The arrangement made sense when I was told not to eat too much, because my mom planned to bring them to the church for the party. Okay, but won't these be really hard to transport? Whatever floats their boat, I suppose.

          My morning was spent wrapped in blankets by the old fireplace the house had. It was the first time we lit, much to my anxiety. Benny enjoyed it very much, though! I dug into my presents, creating a mess of colorful paper. After getting through everything from the parental units, I got to see what my friends dropped off.

          Cameron gifted me an old shirt of his that I once said I liked. It was attached with a note that said he doesn't wear it anymore, so he decided to just give it to me. As for Dominik, he gave me a brand-new book. He also attached a note that said he read the same book, and thought I'd like it too, as a fellow reader. It was called The City of Smog and Steel, which was a recently new book by an author I liked. I hadn't had a chance to read it, so it was perfect!

          Veronica had two gifts for me, all packaged in the same large, light pink box. One was a black sweatshirt with a white deer skull on it, but the deer was wearing a Christmas hat, and its antlers had Christmas bulbs on them, six in the color of the rainbow. The other one was a set of three books, called Rubblebrick, Coldrain, and Goldstone. It was a trilogy called Blacksky that I've wanted to read for ages now, again by that same author! In the box with the two gifts, also sat a card that read:

          Hey Emmy. I heard that you've been wanting to read that Blacksky trilogy for a while now, so I thought I'd just give you my set, they're incredibly hard to come by for some reason. I've already read it, and you won't be disappointed! I like your taste in authors. Maybe when you finish them, we can meet up and talk about them sometime? Also, I thought the deer sweater was morbidly cute for Christmas. Hope you like them! Veronica Melbrew.

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