Chapter 23) Tales From the Past

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          On Monday, Veronica met with us during our lunch period… of which she skipped a class period for, as her lunch was 5th period instead of 6th, like ours. She read through the entire book over the weekend, and wrote down notes on it.

          "You guys are not gonna believe this!" She said, excitement and disbelief in her voice, "This right here, this changes everything! I didn't know that this stuff was common knowledge, I guess we really are just dumb humans. I- I just can't believe it! My weekend was spent slaving away over reading this book, I cried- I literally cried while reading this. Multiple times."

          "Well??" Cameron said, "Get on with it! Give us those notes! Make us cry! I want tears! And information! Give it to me!"

          "Alright, alright!" She said, voice slightly shaking with excitement. She took a deep breath, "Okay, so, I tried to organize my notes as best I could. This book talks about Drago and Ziavon, who are the main focus, but it also touches on people that were close to them in some way, including Drago's sisters, Drago's partners, and Ziavon's wife and daughter. I'm going to read some more of the starting paragraphs directly, I printed them out as photos to attach them in the notebook to write on." She said, pointing at the page.

          She began quoting, "So you all know, a lot of this information comes from Ovzu and Francis, Drago's past partners. I managed to talk to them both. They were very happy that someone wanted to tell his story. As for Ziavon, I spoke to his wife, Queen Willow. While they obviously may have biases themself, I will present both sets of information given to me by both parties, even if they contradict each other. So, we will see if one or both sides may be stretching the truth due to their perspectives.

          Ziavon Livira is the oldest of the group, born back at the beginning the Light Era, on December 14th, 10,000 AY, making him only 15 thousand years younger than the sentient universe itself. He was raised by Celestia as her own child, who she knew would one day become a God more powerful than all 10 of the Goddesses, but not quite reaching her rank.

          She, the other Six Gods, the 10 Goddesses, and all of the Heirfi played parts in teaching him magic." Veronica stopped quoting and said, "For some context, the Six Gods are the most powerful, being Celestia, Lucifer, and four others who aren't important at the moment. Next down in the ranks are Ziavon, Drago, and the Devlrhs sisters. After them comes the 10 Goddesses. Then lastly in the God-tier of the Hierarchy comes the Royal Heirfi or the Papilio family, who are kinda Gods but not quite."

          "I know about the Heirfi and Gods and stuff." Dominik said while typing down his own summary on his laptop. "They were in Jane's book. Well, a few of them were. That's definitely a story for another day."

         "Could you at least say their names? I just wanna hear them, man!" Cameron said.

          "Well, we only know a few of the Heirfi, but as for the Goddesses, to put it shortly, and as simply as possible, there were 10 of them, who were all created by Mother Nature and Father Time, who were two of the Six Gods.

          Lxvizlaire was the Goddess of the seas and Mercreatures. She carried a giant trident, and was the protecter of oceans, controlling their tides. Kozmivga was the Goddess of Space and Planets. She created many alien species, as well as the general alien language, Zorvish, coming from Vmtorhs. She guarded planets and most of the First Reality. Aliens, also known as Zorvims, worshipped her immensely, much like Mercreatures did Lxvizlaire.

          Aurelia was the Goddess of the Stars and Day. She made suns, generated heat, and was a symbol of Light and day. Muna was the Goddess of Moons and Night. She was said to be an outcast, roamer of the black void, in Aurelia's shadow.

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