Chapter One: The Mission

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"Late night, V?" Morgan asked as I poured another cup of coffee. "Come on, what's his name?"

"That's for me to know and you to never find out." I yawned, thinking of the Friends reruns that kept me up.

"Fine, but I'm cutting you off. You've already had four cups and we've only been here an hour."

"What if I sneak another when you're not looking?"

"Pierce, my office." Hotch called from his door.

Morgan chuckled. "I guess he'll deal with it. Just remember that I tried to save you before it was too late."

"Aw, my knight in jeans and a skintight t-shirt." I pretended to swoon as I made my way to Hotch's office. He wasn't sat behind his desk like usual. Instead, he was in the chair next to the one I'd be in and Strauss was in his. "Ma'am."

"Doctor." She nodded.

"Have I done something wrong?"

"On the contrary, actually. The Director has a special mission for the two of you. He was going to present the case to you himself, but he got called to a meeting. He didn't tell me much, but he gave me these folders for you. You aren't to open them until you're out of the building and in the car I have waiting for you outside."

"So what can you tell us?" Hotch asked.

"The only thing he told me is his estimation on how long you'll be gone, which he said would be between 12 and 18 months."

"12 and 18 months?" I repeated. "No, that's not fair to Hotch. Besides JJ, he's the only one of us with a family. It's not fair to rip him away from-"

"Pierce." He warned. He didn't like it when I mouthed off, even when I was right. "As you were, ma'am."

"I tried to fight him on it, but his mind was already made up. He wants the two of you because you're the best agents we have to offer. I don't want to lose you for that long, but there isn't another choice." She sighed.

"When do we leave?"

"As soon as possible."

"I'll tell the team, you call Jack." I said, getting up to go to Rossi's office. I was seething. It wasn't fair to Hotch, Jack, or even Haley.

"What's going on, Val?" Emily asked once we were all rounded up. I told them what little I knew. "I'll stop by and pick up Pepper after work."

"Thank you." I fake smiled. I hadn't even thought of my cat. He'd be mad at me when I came back. Since I got him, I hadn't been away for more than two weeks at a time. We both had attachment issues.

"We'll make sure nothing happens to Jack and Haley. Don't let Hotch worry about them, and just stay focused on the case. We want you back here ASAP." JJ demanded.

"We've finished cases 23% faster since you joined the team, so you could be back in about 9 to 15 months instead if that pattern continues." Reid added.

Garcia pulled me into a hug. "If you ever need anything, we're all just a phone call away."

"I'm sure we won't be able to communicate without risking the case, which is not something I want to do. This is goodbye for now, guys." I sighed. Hotch knocked on the window instead of coming in. He hated goodbyes.

"I guess that means it's time." Morgan pouted before wrapping his arms around me. I hugged everyone twice— once for me and once for Hotch— and walked behind him to the bullpen.

"Leave your things here. Everything we need has been moved for us." He said. I dropped my gun, badge, and phone off at my desk before getting in the car with him. The GPS was already set for a town in New York called Oak Hills, which was five hours away. Great.

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