Chapter Fifteen: Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving

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TW: kidnapping, implied intention of sexual assault, mention of drug relapsing

I didn't know where I was when I woke up. The room was too dark to see anything— just enough to see that I was chained to a chair. My wrists and ankles were bounded extra tight, so I knew I wouldn't be able to slip out of them very easily.

"Hello?" I called, hearing my voice echo. It must've been a bigger room than I thought. Faint groans responded to mine. There were more people than just me in here. "Hello?"

My eyes started adjusting to the darkness, but it wasn't enough for me to see where I was. I called out a few more times and got no response. The pitch black overwhelmed my senses, and I barely even noticed when a door opened behind me. Lights flicked on above me and I could see that I was in some type of cell. Sharon walked toward me with a smirk on her face.

"What are you doing? Where am I?" I asked.

"You're exactly where you deserve to be." She said coyly. She stopped in front of me and punched me in the face. It took me by surprise, but it didn't hurt a whole lot because she wasn't very strong.

"Was that the first punch you've ever thrown in your sad little life?"

"My life isn't sad. I've accomplished things you could never even dream of."

"Like killing Dan?" I questioned.

"So you do remember. I told Craig your dose wasn't enough, but he seemed convinced. I told him we should've killed you and he stopped me, but now he's the dead one and we have all the time in the world together."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Why not?" She retorted. "For starters, I hate you. Seeing you ruins my day and-"

"Seeing me with Graham breaks your heart." I cut her off. "You want him, but he doesn't want you. He's so repulsed by you that it's not even funny. He said that if you were the last two people on Earth, he'd kill himself. You will never get him, Sharon."

"I already have him. He's a few rooms over and I'm looking forward to seeing how excited he gets."

I lunged at her, but the chains held me back. I gridded my teeth out of rage. "Touch him and I'll kill you. I swear to God I'll-"

"You'll what? Slip through the chains? Get out of this cell? I don't think so, sweetie."

"You're the one who's been killing the people who go missing, aren't you?" I asked like it was some sort of breakthrough.

"You've been taking away my partners faster than I could get new ones. There's no one stopping me from killing you right now."

"Then do it."

"No, I'd rather see you squirm in here for a while. Seeing everyone lose hope really gets me off." She smirked. "That being said, I'll go visit Graham now."

I didn't know if she was serious or not, but I couldn't risk it. I would protect him no matter what, especially from that.

"Craig told me everything!" I lied. I was panicking.

"What exactly did he tell you?" She asked.

"All of it— how Hugh Phillips kidnapped a woman and turned her into his wife, helped Craig do the same thing, and started doing it to everyone else in town. You know what's interesting? The only thing he said about you was how they regretted letting you in on it. They wanted you dead."

"That's not true. Craig loved me. He owed me-"

"He's the one who told me how much he hated you. He wanted to kill you every chance he had, but he decided he'd pin everything on you in the end instead." I shrugged. "Wasn't that your plan all along? That won't exactly work because one of them is in jail and the other is in the ground."

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