Chapter Seven: Cameras

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Claire was one of the yoga instructors at the local country club and eventually convinced me to start going to her classes. It felt wrong at first, like I was meant to be back in Los Angeles instead of Oak Hills, but I eventually warmed up to it. I even started liking it after a while. At least it distracted me from my unrequited love for Hotch.

A familiar sensation spread through my body as soon as I unlocked our front door, but I couldn't place it at first. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and my stomach felt warm. I hadn't felt this way since I was a kid. What was it?

I took my time looking through the house to see if anything was wrong and came up empty handed. Nothing was out of place, but I knew better than to let my guard down. I thought about the times I felt like this and my stomach dropped.

I was being filmed.

Growing up in Los Angeles with a movie director for a mother should've given me the advantage. I'd been filmed enough times to know the feeling, which I had in every square inch of the house except the bathrooms.

Hotch's car turned into the driveway and I ran back downstairs. It was a race between time and him saying something he shouldn't because he didn't know we were being watched. The door opened and I jumped into his arms.

"Hey, what's-" He started, but I cut him off the only way I knew would work in the moment— a kiss. He was tense at first, but warmed up to it after a moment. He dropped whatever he'd been carrying and held me in both of his hands. He must've caught on that something was going on, so I jumped down.

"I just missed you so much today, sorry."

"I'm not." He grinned. "Who said I was done?"

I laughed, taking off his jacket to hang up. "How was work?"

"Believe it or not, something interesting happened today. Craig and I were on our way to the break room and we saw Beatrice and John making out inside."

"Beatrice and John?"

"Beatrice is married to Eric, who also works there. You met him briefly at Sharon and Dan's Valentine's Day party." He explained.

"A workplace affair! Did you tell anyone?"

"You're the first one."

"I feel honored. Do you plan on telling anyone?" I asked.

"No, we talked about it and both decided to leave it alone. Craig and John are friends, so he might make jokes about it, but neither of us would actually say anything."

"Does that mean I'd be in the dark if you had an affair? I couldn't trust you or Craig to tell me?"

"That's a trick question because I would never cheat on you. I can't imagine doing anything to risk losing the love of my life." He stroked my face gently. "What do you want for dinner?"

"First you sweet talk me, then you ask about food? You really do know me."

"It's a special skill. We could get subs from that cute place on the corner by the store."

"Okay, let's go." I grabbed my purse and followed him out to the car, waiting until we were alone to speak freely. "Thank you for going along with it. I don't know where they are or how they got there, but there are cameras in the house. I could feel them watching me in every room but the bathrooms."

"Fuck, that'll be annoying. We're solely Graham and Olivia from here on out, understand?"

"Absolutely, which is why I bombarded you when you got home. I didn't want you to say something and give us away immediately."

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