Chapter Twenty: The Final Unsub

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I should've known it was a trick. There was no way Julie, Peter, or their babies would be at the house, but I marched over anyway. I didn't even know if they were alive or if I was going crazy from guilt.

I did know that I had no clue where I was. The ceiling and walls were an off white and the hardwood floor was cold on my bare feet as I stood up from the bed. I was wearing clothing that didn't belong to me and my hair was blonde instead of dark brown. I touched it to see if I could feel it or if I was in a very realistic dream and unfortunately, I felt my soft hair.

"Hello?" I asked. The only response I got was my head pounding so hard that I had to sit down. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened before I woke up.

"Julie?" I asked as I knocked on their front door. It opened by itself and Hotch grabbed my wrist.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." He said.

"Neither do I, but I don't have another choice. Are you coming with me or are you staying here?"

"I would follow you to the ends of the earth, Valerie."

I took a deep breath and walked inside, shutting the door behind us. I looked around quickly before heading up the stairs to the nursery. "Julie? Peter? Hello? Are you here?"

Something fell behind me and I saw Hotch on the ground. A large man looked down at him with a twisted grin, but I got hit hard in the head before I could do anything.

I closed my eyes again and tried to relive the memory once again. I needed to know who this person was and if he murdered my boyfriend right in front of me.

Hotch was on the carpet that suddenly had small red stains on it. His chest rose and fell, which meant that he was breathing. The man looked at me and I fell.

But how did he do it? It's not like he had mind powers where he could magically make me fall. I knew I was going crazy, but that seemed impossible.

Duh. The man who was watching us at the cemetery was working with the large man who hit Hotch with the 2x4. That made sense, right? I put my hand on the back of my head and could feel bandages. There was no sign of blood in the room and I couldn't smell bleach, so the unsub must've dyed my hair and put bandages on me in another room while I was knocked out. I opened one of the doors to the balcony and looked over the edge. It looked like I was on the third floor of a huge house in the woods. Everywhere I looked, I could only see trees. I heard fast flowing water nearby and wildlife all around. It looked like early afternoon, so the sun told me which way was east and west.

I closed the door and walked the length of the room. It was large and under any other circumstances, I would call it luxurious. I tried to open the door, which was of course locked, and my mind wandered to Aaron. Was he here? What did the men do to him? Which one of us was the target?

"Hello? Let me out!" I screamed, pulling hard on the door. "Let me out of here!"

Someone came and opened the door, but he wouldn't let me through. I recognized him as the man who took Hotch down.

"Where is Graham? What did you do to him?" I asked as I swung at him. I only got one hit in before he pushed me halfway in the room with one swing. Either he was very strong or I was extremely weak.

"Shut up." He grumbled.

"Tell me where I am and if my husband is okay!"

"Shut up and I'll give you someone to talk to. Is that what you want?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Is it Graham? Where is he? Where are we?"

"Shut up." He repeated, so I nodded. He pushed a small figure with a bag over their head in the room, quickly closing the door behind him. I went over to the person and uncovered them.

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