Chapter Five: Weekend Getaway

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As I was reorganizing the closet, I found a small box that I meant to give Hotch on Valentine's Day. Inside was a silver ring with a John Grisham quote engraved. It would either be cute or corny, but there was no way of telling until he opened it.

"Was there a tornado?" A deep voice asked behind me.

"Just a small one." I laughed. "I have something for you."

"What's that?"

I handed him the box and watched him open it. A look of confusion spread across his face until he took the ring out and tried it on. He started laughing aggressively, shaking his head slightly. He walked out of the room, so I followed him to the kitchen.

"It's corny, isn't it?" I asked, starting to get self conscious.

"No, open this and you'll see." He laughed even harder once I started opening the box he gave me. I opened it to see a silver ring with an engraving inside.

Don't compromise yourself — you're all I have.

I started laughing, too. We got each other the same exact thing. How was that even possible?

"I completely forgot about it, which is why I was extra confused when you gave it to me. I thought you found it and got passive aggressive or something." He explained through my laughter.

I put mine on and we admired them. Correction, I admired his. Anything on his heavenly sculpted hands looked stunning. He could dig through the garbage and his hands would still be the most attractive thing on the planet. Well, besides him. Truth be told, I still couldn't stop thinking about Valentine's Day— the memory of his lips on mine, our bodies crashing against each other, and the blush that spread through his body so easily.

That night was a foggy memory because of the wine, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. I yearned for Hotch and his sweet lips on mine, wishing there were something I could do to earn it again.

Screw the wine, he intoxicated me. The way he pulled me in and held me— always asking for permission before doing anything— made me want more. I needed more. I needed him. I laid awake next to him at night knowing it could never happen again.

Hotch cleared his throat. "Movie night?"

"Sure, I'll set it up if you make the popcorn."

"Deal." He opened the cupboard above my head, momentarily keeping me between him and the counter. He put a fist down on either side of me, which trapped me. "I'm so lucky it was you who had to come here with me. I know neither of us wanted to be here, but I think we've adapted well. I'd even go as far as saying we're friends now, yeah?"

"Do you have matching rings with all of your friends?"

"I don't think there's a word for what we are. What do you call it when coworkers start sleeping in the same bed— per the Director's request, of course— and can't begin to imagine their lives separately when they get back to Quantico? That's about where I am."

"What?" I asked softly.

"You know how I am with feelings, Valerie. I want you more than words can describe. What do you say?"

I got on my tiptoes to kiss him, pulling him in by his shirt. He picked me up to put me on the counter carefully, quickly, and desperately all at once. He smirked as he pulled back to kiss a line across my jaw and down my throat. I leaned my head up against the cupboard to grant him more access to my carotid, which beat faster than ever.

"Did you hear me?" Hotch asked, suddenly three feet away from me and looking intense. "Are you okay?"

My cheeks heated up instantly. "Caught in a daydream. What'd you say?"

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