Who hurt you? SJ

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You're on the cast for the new MCU and live with the others on the set.
"Hey Y/N, you wanna join us for dinner? We go out to a restaurant."
Scarlett is always so nice to me but I'm only here for for a few weeks and everything is so expensive amd I really can't go out for dinner I don't have enough money left and I really can't ask my dad.
"Sorry, maybe next time."
I smile at her and want to walk away but she holds me back by holding my wrist and I flinched at her touch. She looks worried at me but keeps quiet about it.
"We will pay for you, you really can join us." "Oh no, it's really ok. I still have bread."
"Please join us."
She looks with her puppy eyes to me.
"Ok but only if it's really ok."
"Yeay, I'll pick you up at 7 pm."
I'll smile at her shyly but she still looks kinda worried. 'Well done Y/N, you fucked up on your third week.' I thought and head back to my place.

"Hey Y/N, I'm here, are you ready?" "One second." I'll put on my jacket and open the door. "You ok?" "Yeah sure, I just felt asleep." "Ok." She smiles at me and we start walking to the others.
"Hey Y/N, I'm happy that you're gonna join us." Robert smiles.
"Hey." I smile shyly back.

Scarlett pov:

In the restaurant she was still quiet and shy again like always. At first I thought that it was because we are all adults and she's only 16 but now after she flinched I overthought everything. She was always really shy and scared the only time she is openly and everything is when she is in her role.
Even now, she's completely intimidated with her little portion that she eats timidly. Something is up with her and I'll definitely keep an eye.
"Scarlett?" "Yes?" "You good?" "Yeah, I was just lost in my mind, sorry Chris."
Y/N looks worried to me so I smile at her warmly. "You ok?" She mouthed and I nod in response.

The next day she was with me on set only. I had to leave for a few minutes so she was completely alone. I snake up to her and whisper into her ear "Hey Y/N."
She jumped so hard and lands on the ground because her legs give in. "Scarlett!" She says a bit angry but immediately turn into shame and regret. "Oh god, sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry." She was scared to look at me and just stares down to the gound.
I offered her my hand to help her up but she flinched again. I kneel down to her and slowly put my finger under her chin and forced her slightly to look at me. "Hey, I won't hurt you, it's ok." She forced a smile but kind of failed. "Who hurt you, hun?" She broke the eye contact again. "W-what? No one, sorry." "Don't be sorry but please be honest."
"Y/N your turn."
She faked a smile, stands up and leaves me back there worried as hell. It was her last scene for today and after they were happy with the out coming she leaves the set immediately.
I want to walk after her but I was the next one so I couldn't.

This evening we ordered pizzas and eat them all together in the room where we always have lunch in.
"Y/N?" "Mhh?" "Some older guy, black hair, weird nose and his is missing a finger, waits for you in your place." She got pale like the wall behind her and she was clearly scared. "Ok, thanks Robert." She tries to smile but it didn't really worked. When she left, I shared a worried look with Robert and Chris and stand up as well.

"No, leave me alone, please." "Ahh" "Shut your stupid mouth." After I realized what just happens I run as fast as I could back to the others. "Chris, both of you, Robert please help." "Scarlett what's up?" "No time just help." We run back to Y/Ns place and we could hear her screaming. They didn't need much more and Chris opens the door with is weight. They stormed in and five seconds later they pulled the man out and told me I could get in.

I run in and carefully sit down next to her. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." She whispers and leans carefully against me. It was her way to tell me that it's ok for her now if I hug so I put my arms around her and pull her into a hug. "Don't be. It's ok hunny, it's ok. He is not gonna hurt you again. He will never be able to hurt you again." I whisper into her ear and hold her tightly. "I'm always here for you, always." "Thank you."

*one year later

"Hey Mum, I got the letter they want me back for Age of Untron." "I told you you were amazing." "Thanks Scar, for everything." "I love you hun." "I love you too."

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