Sleepy NR

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Maybe TW but definitely sad warning I guess!
Natasha pov:

"Morning sleepyhead." I whisper my adorable girlfriend in the ear when she start to open her eyes.
"Well you are still in bed too so it's ok." She smiles up to me and kisses me gently. "Morning love." She whispered back.
"How are you feeling?" I asks her a bit concerned. "I'm fine just a bit tired why?" "Because you slept 12 hours. Anyway let's go down eat something."
She barely eating anything from the sandwich that I made for her.

"You sure you are ok?" I ask her. "Yes I'm fine just not really hungry sorry, I'll eat it later. Let's go watch a movie." "Ok." I smile at her but my head keeps telling me that something is wrong with her.
After I put on the movie and Steve, Bucky, Tony, Peter, Bruce, Wanda and Pietro joining us, I sit down next to my girlfriend and she lays her head down on my chest. I put my arm around her on her back to push her nearer to me.
After 30 minutes she was back asleep. She just woke up again when the movie was over and the others start talking loudly again.
"What time is it?" She asks me weakly. "It's around 3 pm, why?" "Training." Was the only thing she get out and was about to stand up but I hold her back. "You can skip today, I can't let you train in this state." "Tasha I'm fine." "Then at least eat the sandwich before we go down."
After she had literally forced the sandwich down, we get up and go to her room.
She was exhausted just from walking up here and changing her clothes. When I'm thinking about it, she was pretty exhausted the last few days from small tasks but today it's much worse.
She sits down on her bed and waited for me. "Sorry for asking so often but you really sure? You look pale and not quite well." "Yeah I'm really fine just a bit tired that's all." I studied her face while she was talking.
While training it just got worse. She forced herself to keep on fighting against me in hand to hand combat. It goes on like this and it breaks my heart seeing her trying so hard to fight against her own body till she couldn't anymore and falls down on her knees.
I run over to her and catch her before her head and torso lands on the floor too. "Talk to me please, what's up?" I beg her. "I'm just so tired can you bring me to bed?" She asks weakly, so I pick her up and bring her to her room in her bed. She fall back asleep when I carried her. This can't be normal so I decided to go to Bruce.

"Hey Bruce." Surprised he turns around to me and smiles. "Hey Nat, what's up?" "Uhm it's about Y/N. In the last few day she was always exhausted from small tasks but last night she slept 12 hours, weren't really hungry today, while the movie she slept again and after it she wanted to train and I couldn't change her mind about so I forced her to at least eat that one sandwich and whe she changed her clothes she was again so exhausted but still wanted to train. While training she fought more against her own body than against me till it was too much and she collapsed. She didn't pass out and wanted back in her bed so I did it but she fell asleep after 10 seconds in my arms while I carried her to her room." I had to take a deep breath to calm myself again. "Something is up with her and I'm really worried about h-" And that was when it hit me. I got pale myself and had to sit down. "Nat?"
"Bruce what if it came back? Everything she has right now, she had it before." I said barely audible.
"Wow ok, we'll make a deal, you stay with her and keep an eye on her so that if something happens you can call me. I'll will look up everything we can do to help her. If it's not better tomorrow bring her in and as long as we don't know it, don't think about that." "Thank you Bruce." I smile at him thankful and walk back to Y/Ns room.

She wake up again at 7 pm. I brought her some crackers but after 3 she wasn't hungry anymore. It's not like she was hungry before but I force her to eat something. We put on a our series we are watching and she lay back down with her head on my chest again. Around 9 pm she fell asleep again but I stayed awake so I can watch her. I am so scared that she could have it again. The last time it was really a challenge to keep her alive and I don't wanna lose her. Not her, not now when we finally have our peace with our past. She means so much too me and I just can't lose her. She is my everything, my world, my light, my home.

The next morning she wakes up around 8 am and sits up in her bed leaning against the head of the bed. "Morning." I smiled at her and she slowly turns her head towards me. "Nat, something is wrong." Out of nothing she jumps out the bed and storms to the bathroom. "Y/N what's up?" I ask her and run after her.
She leans over the toilet and throws up again and again. I hold her hairs back and rub her back. She relaxed a bit and leans back against the bathtub. I help her cleaning her mouth and told Friday that she should inform Bruce that we are coming in. She didn't even protested against it and just let it happen.

"Bruce she threw up and as you can see she is still weake and tired." I lay her down and hold her hand to show her that I'm here and I won't leave her.
After Bruce runs some tests we are waiting for the results. Y/N is back asleep and I'm still holding her hand.
Bruce comes back and his face tells me that it's something bad. I woke her up politely and Bruce asks her if it's ok if I stay and hear it too. She nods and we help her sit up.
"Y/N uhm do you remember when we saved you and for a long-" She cutts him off. "It came back, didn't it?" He sighed and nods.
I stand up,  took her in my arms and hug her tightly.
"Nat please leave me alone." "I won't leave you." "Nat please, you don't deserve this, you should go on and live your life." She tries to pull me away from her but I didn't let go of her. I know even though she can't say it, she needs me now more then anything but she doesn't want to hurt me.
"You're the best part of my life and I will always love you, no matter what." I whisper into her ear and she slowly calms down again. "I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die." She crys into my shoulder. "I know hun, I know. But you won the fight once, you will win it again."
"She is right, we noticed it early enough and there is a good chance."
"I love you and I will still love you every single day that will come. I'll be by your side. You don't have to fight alone."

After a few days with the new meds she was nearly herself again, still tired but not that hard.
We are all in the living room when Y/N decided to stand up in front of us.
"Guys I have to tell you something." She took a shaky breath, smiles at me slightly and continues. "Unfortunately, I'm sick again, the leukemia is back. I don't want pity or something like that, just keep treating me like always except that the rules are back. If someone feels sick don't come near me and tell me about it so I can stay in my room, I have to stop normal training and go back to my old training plan and no missions for me. Fury already knows and I guess Maria will join us for a few days to make sure that I am not lying to her that I am ok again with the new meds. Well that went well, a lot of shocked faces but no one is crying, good. I have my first chemo now so see you all later."
With that she walks out of the room and the whole room fell completely silent and they are all staring at me. I guess they are waiting for me to say that it was a joke but all I could was just give them a sad smile. I stand up too and walk down to her.

While every chemo I was there holding her hand. We always talk, watch our series or a movie. And after two years she won her second fight against the leukemia.


Guys I'm running low on ideas so if you have some, please comment :)

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