Shy part 2

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Natasha pov:
For now Y/N is over 3 months with us but she is still very scared of the others. Fury ordered that Maria should also build up a trust base with her as well so she would have someone when she would be alone in S.H.I.E.L.D. It took the whole second month till she started to trust her but she is still a bit scared of her. We three spent every day together mostely in the base in her room or we went for a walk in the woods because the city would be way too much for her. Maria lives in my room right now as long as Fury says so but I was completely ok with it. Most of the nights I always was next to Y/N and now we have made a deal that she knocks against the wall our code because she has the room next to us and till now it always worked.

Today was the first day I got her to say yes that she will eat dinner down in the kitchen with all of us. After we were down the stairs and it gets louder she took my hand. I squeeze it lightly and smile at her. Maria noticed it too that she gets anxious, we stopped and I crouch down to her.
"Hey малышка, it's ok. You know, they are sometimes loud but they are as friendly as me and Maria, ok? There is no way someone of them could ever hurt you. Maria and I will always stay by your side ok?" I smile warmly at her and she nods slightly. I take her hand again and we continue walking to the kitchen.
In it, Maria pulled out the chair for her and we sit down right and left from her.
They were all staring at us but after a glare from me to them they continue there talking.
I take her plate and put some spaghetti on it. Through the 3 months and I learned how much she always eats. I give it back to her and Maria give me hers.

After we all started to eat she relax a bit which make my happy.
While the dinner our alarm went off and we all jumped up. Y/N clings to me so I look down to her. "Sweetheart, can you stay with Maria for a second momma need to go with them. I never leave the base ok, so I'm always near to you." She let go of me and runs in Marias arms so I could run with the others down.
It was an intern alarm that someone broke in. And guess who it was. When we all where down we stood for Nick Fury. I glared at him, I told me more than once that if he do his sneaking in thing with the base that our alarm would go off.
"Ahh Agent Romanoff." He just ignore the fact that we were all ready to shoot him. "Should have listened to you, well where is our little project?" I walk angry towards him till he was pressed against the wall. "At first I gonna kill you, second she is a human being not a project, third now I could bet she is back to her old condition because we finally got her to eat with us and then the alarm went off." I was so mad at him and he had a guilty and also scared face. I was happy that he got scared and feel guilty because he really deserves it right now. "I'm gonna apologize and explain it to her." He says trying to hide that I just scared the shit out of him. "Better not." I was calm but everyone knows that I always calm myself down seconds befor I kill someone so know they are all scared.
I found Maria with her in her room, she trys to hide in the corner of the room again with her knees to her chest.
"Te lo pagarás!" ( You gonna pay for this!) I say to Fury before signaling Maria that she should leave with Fury. She nod and they left, I could hear that Maria already starts to shout at him too. She grows protective over her as well, this makes me really happy because if something would ever happen to me, I know Y/N would be in good hands.
"Малышка, may I?" I sit in front of her 2 meters away with my arms open and she looks up to me. At for she look at me and scans my clothes. "Honey, I'm not hurt, everything is fine." I smile at her and she runs to me in my arms. "I was so scared momma, I thought you would be hurt now." I hug her tightly and stuck some of her hairs behind her ear. "You know sweetheart, I have been trained to do my job since I was a little girl and see, I still here. It takes way more than just my boss the pirate thinking he is funny because that's what happened. You know Fury likes to sneak in his Agents homes and I told him that if he would do it here an alarm would go off but as so often he didn't listen so he sneaked in and the alarm went off. Nothing more happened." I whisper into her ear and she calmed down. "Was the man in my room your boss?" "Yep the pirate himself. Should we go down and continue eating or go to the balcony or out in the woods?" "She nods. "Balcony." "Oki sweetheart." I smile at her and kiss her forehead. "Thank you momma." Everytime she calls me that my heart melt.
Down they were all staring at me so I told her to go out and that Maria would be there in a second and I would be there in a minute.
When she was out with Maria and Maria closed the door I look back at them. "What?" I ask but they all keep silent. "For real now?" I walk up to Clint because I know him the best but he just stares down to the ground. "Before you do something to him... it's just... 'momma'?" Tony finally broke the silence and I look confused up to him. "You left your comms on, you super spy." Fury says with a smirk but clearly regrets it. "Ok and now, has anyone a problem with that?" Everyone shakes his head. "Pirate, for real now?" Fury says with a fake confidence. "Yes, why?" I stare at Fury. "Nothing everythings fine."
I turn off my comms and take a bottle Pepsi and go out the others with three glasses and chips.

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