Abimanyu's Twin

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A/N: Sorry for the time this took to actually post. I was intending to post it by August-September but got carried away and wasn't as much satisfied by where the fic was going so I took a break before coming back to it.

Prompt: Reunion + daddy issues given by KrishnaSangini

13 years had passed since he had left his family to go out on an exile. 13 years without any contact. 13 years without knowing what happened except whatever the spies and gossips seem to convey. And the first-ever message that comes from that side? 

"We are in the Matsya Kingdom as guests with King Virata and he has given his daughter's hand in marriage to Abhimanyu. Can't wait to meet you all."

No hi, no how are you doing. Just that your brother's marriage is fixed and everyone is supposed to come and attend the wedding. A bitter laugh left her lips as she barely contained herself from tearing the parchment. 

"Abhinaya! Are you ready yet? Aren't you excited? We are about to meet all of them finally!" Her brother had managed to sneak up behind her again. She really didn't know how he managed to do that every single time, just like Uncle Kanha.

Not to mention her brother's infectious excitement, to which she couldn't stop smiling at. She maybe should be feeling happy. She was going to meet her father after years after all. A person with whom she barely had any memories, just anecdotes told by her uncles and aunts and mother. In all honesty, she felt he was more of a stranger than actually her father.

She wasn't exactly going to blame him for it, or maybe she would, on the basis of not trying to contact any of them directly. Didn't he want to know them better? Didn't he want to know anything? Like, she knew her mother sent him letters frequently but they rarely received one in reply.

Logically speaking, she knew that sending letters was a risk for her father, especially in the situation they were in, but emotions were rarely rational. But she would try for her mother's sake, her brother's sake, not let her emotions get in the way. She could deal with her feelings later on.

"Abhi... You are here with me, right? Or are you lost in space" her brother asked, snapping his fingers in front of her face. She blinked and looked up at him, which just caused him to let out a sigh. "You didn't listen to anything I said, did you?"

"What else did you expect from me, Abhi? You go and finish your packing, my soon to be married brother, I'll be right behind you. Anyway, I don't have much to pack, unlike you" she jested, staring at the single trunk that was open on her bed and frowned. At the rate she's rejecting her clothes, she'll barely have anything to wear.

"Finish up soon! Mata says that we'll be leaving at sunrise tomorrow!"

"Yeah, yeah, alright. No worries."

The journey was a long one, the time seemed like it was crawling and she didn't know if it was for the better or the worse. Like, she didn't mind the delay to see her father and uncles but at the same time... listening to her brother moan about how long it was taking is not definitely she had the patience to listen to. Why were places this far away!

And when they finally arrived, they were facing a huge crowd of citizens and their family combined. More like the citizens were bunching up outside the palace gates while the king, his family and their family were standing in front of them.

And it was awkward to say the least. A reunion that was being witnessed by complete strangers was... uncomfortable. Like here they were, getting emotional and stuff while people were gawking at them. Haven't they heard the concept of a private moment?

They were all finally gathered into a room and left alone, where all the small talks and serious talks happened. And boy was catching up exhausting as fuck when it came down to the fact that there was 13 years of catching up going on. Between talks of war and marriages. 

Finally, everything came to an end and one by one, everyone had started retreating and her father had asked her to stay back for some odd reason. She thought her brother would stay back with her but he'd run off somewhere, which was strange, considering the fact that he was the one who was the most excited to meet up with father.

"Abhinaya! Look at how tall you've grown! You were so tiny when I last saw you!"

"Well, you did last see me as a baby 13 years ago. It would be surprising if I hadn't grown at all."

Arjuna just let out a laugh at that and went forward to hug her. "How are you doing?"

"Well, my father, who's been missing from my life for 13 years has now arranged a marriage for my brother and is asking us all to march to war. My life is pretty great. How's yours?"

"Abhi! You don't speak to your father like that!" her mother scolded as she entered back into the room.

"Subadhra, she's just speaking her heart out. Nothing wrong with that. She's right anyway. I was away for all these years after all."


"Nothing she said is wrong technically. I did miss 13 years in her life and the first time I meet them, I did fix her brother's marriage with a nearly random stranger. She is justified with her anger. In all technicalities, I might as well be a stranger to her."


"But I missed you too, father, even if I don't like the fact you didn't communicate with us as much."

"Well, I missed you too, putri. I missed you all so much. I just wish that everything gets sorted out soon."

"Though you doubt that it won't end any time soon, right. You think there might be a war" she said with a frown.

"Hopefully it won't come to that."

"But it can happen, right?"

"It might. I can't promise there won't be war. We do hope to settle things peacefully. Don't worry over it now. Let us just enjoy the moment now." Arjuna said as he placed a small kiss on the forehead.

"I am glad you are here now."

A/N: Soo... yeah, hopefully that came out better because I still don't feel as much satisfied but at the same time I couldn't just sit down on it because of that. *takes in a breath* Hope you all like it! All comments and criticisms accepted and appreciated! Prompts are welcome!

Small updates: I am working on two versions of the next prompt and want to get them out at the same time so... it might take a while? I estimate I'll finish it by the end of next week. I am halfway through with both. And KKAKK should be posted by the end of this week but no promises cuz they are saying that there are chances of flooding cuz there's already heavy rains and well... yeah. Fingers crossed.

Thank you all for reading!!!!

Rasnak signing off :) ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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