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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"no offense, but i don't really care," ni-ki stated over the phone.

it was currently 8pm. sunoo had called ni-ki around ten minutes earlier to tell him about his thoughts. one quality of sunoo's was that he could never keep his thoughts and feelings bottled up; he always had to share what was on his mind in order to not feel trapped within his own head. his friends, especially heeseung, adored that quality about him, for not many people are always so open about how they feel.

ni-ki, however, just wanted some sleep. but in comparison to the other boys, ni-ki and sunoo always had a strong brotherly bond; the two boys could talk to each other about anything...

except for when it got in the way of riki's sleep schedule.

"yes you do, now give me advice," sunoo retorted, pacing around his bedroom.

"let me get this straight," ni-ki began, "you're upset because park sunghoon won't acknowledge you? why do you want his attention so badly?"

sunoo winced. "noooo, it's not that!" he said, defensively. "i just...i dunno...nobody has ever not been friendly with me before. it's just weird..."

ni-ki chuckled from the other line. "believe it or not, mister popular, but sometimes people just aren't going to be friendly to you. not everyone will like you no matter how kind you are to them and that's okay. just means they aren't worth your time."

sunoo rolled his eyes at the nickname, but he processed what ni-ki had told him before speaking again. "you're right. he might not ever open up to me, but for some reason...

"i need to try. i need to know more about him."


"good morning, park sunghoon!"

sunghoon was hardly phased at this point once he heard the bubbly voice call his name.

kim sunoo sat himself down into the seat next to sunghoon, despite sunoo's seat partner being present. sunghoon wanted to ask why sunoo would be sitting with him, but he didn't find it worth asking.

"you're probably wondering why i'm sitting here," sunoo suddenly said, as if he could read sunghoon's mind.

sunghoon finally looked over at him, eyes dull. he caught sight of the fireworks shooting out sunoo's eyes due to his wide smile. the pink on sunoo's hoodie was blinding. sunghoon simply shook his head in response to sunoo's question.

sunoo continued. "well, i asked the teacher for a switch, and now we're seat partners! isn't that exciting?"

seat partners? oh, bother. sunghoon laid his head down on the table.

sunoo slightly frowned. phew, he's a tough cookie, he thought. but sunoo was up for the challenge.

class ticked by quite slowly for sunghoon. granted, he wasn't paying much attention. the only thing he could hear was the sound of sunoo capping and uncapping the caps of his colorful markers as he took notes. so extra, sunghoon thought.

"are you gonna take notes?" a voice whispered close to sunghoon's ear.

sunghoon flinched from the sudden sound, looking up slightly into the fox-like eyes next to him. sunghoon shook his head.

"well, you can borrow mine after class," sunoo offered, smiling.

is this guy for real? sunghoon didn't answer. instead, he placed his head back down on the table.

the bell finally rang. sunghoon lifted his head sleepily, most of the students already out the classroom. as he was about to stand up, he noticed a notebook was left on the desk. judging by the colors and designs, he knew who it belonged to.

however, there was a post-it note on the front cover.

i know you fell asleep. we have a pop quiz tomorrow. borrow these notes.

- sunoo <3

sunghoon almost snorted aloud at the little heart scribbled after sunoo's signature. this random kid was suddenly so desperate to become his friend and barge his way into sunghoon's life.

was it weird for sunghoon to not feel like he completely hated the idea of that so much?

he shook his head free of the thought. but before he left the classroom, he slipped the notebook into his backpack.


"how the hell are you gonna study for the quiz?" ni-ki asked sunoo at lunch.

him, jungwon, and sunoo were at their usual lunch table. obviously, sunoo had updated them on what occurred in class.

"don't worry, i took a picture of my notes on my phone. but sunghoon-ssi needed them more than i did. he slept the whole period! it's like he wants to repeat senior year a third time or something," sunoo rambled.

jungwon munched on a rice ball. "i think you're way too invested in this whole park sunghoon thing. why are you so determined to know him?"

sunoo sighed. it's all his friends seemed to be asking him. why did he care? why was he so intrigued by the mysterious boy?

sunoo simply shrugged. "i just believe everyone needs a little attention and care every now and then. so...

"for park sunghoon, i'll be that person who cares."

✓ | with silence. (sunsun)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن