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park sunghoon felt proud of himself.

his recent test grade didn't suck. in fact, it was considered to be a B plus. he smiled to himself in satisfaction while he shoved the paper into his backpack.

passing a test was just another reason to add to the list of reasons he was grateful for kim sunoo.

it felt like just yesterday the boy had lent sunghoon his notes for an upcoming quiz. he wouldn't believe you if you had told him how fond he would be over the boy now.

the school day ended on a great note: sunghoon passed a test and he even payed attention in one of his classes. sometimes he wondered what it would be like if he answered a question...

the thought wasn't acknowledged for long because the true happiness in sunghoon's life had just come into view. kim sunoo stood only feet away from him now, having emerged from a classroom door somewhere in the hall, now mixed in with the swarm of students eager to get home.

sunghoon increased the speed of his walking just a bit, so once he finally got close enough, he directed a thought towards the boy in front of him.

hi, sunoo.

with a little startled jump, sunoo spun around, eyebrows raised in surprise. they instantly softened when they met sunghoon's teasing ones, though. a blush crawled up sunoo's cheeks as he playfully shoved the latter's arm. "yah! don't scare me like that!"

sunghoon bit the inside of his cheek to suppress his smile from growing even wider. the two began walking side-by-side. none really said anything, simply keeping in time and allowing their feet to lead the way home.

the lingering quiet allowed sunoo to ponder and he suddenly felt reminded of his talk the other day with ni-ki. it had been in the back of his mind ever since, and he wanted so badly to confide in sunghoon about it, but there was one thing stopping him.

he just recently confirmed his feelings for the boy.

truth be told, sunoo was having trouble controlling his heartbeat right then and there as he walked next to the same boy he'd been walking next to for months. how was he supposed to talk to him without feeling nervous? he wondered what sunghoon was thinking and wished it was directed toward him so he could hear it.

what are you thinking?

sunoo chuckled at the voice. "i wanted to know what you were thinking," he admitted, eyes locked on his feet as he walked.

sunghoon stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets. he hummed in response. well, i'm not thinking anything.

"i guess there is something i need to tell you," sunoo began, subconsciously fiddling with the straps of his backpack.

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