Chapter 19 - Heated dinner debate

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I wake up the next morning facing the wall with Sebastian's arms tightly wrapped around me. Did he hold onto me the entire night? I slowly turn around to face him. He's still asleep. I carefully run my fingers through his hair and stroke his face. I'm not sure if this is a weird thing to do, but I can't help it. I want to admire him whenever I can and right now he looks so peaceful and stunning.

He really is the boy I fell for and I'm glad it's him. I feel comfortable and understood when I'm with him. We seem so different but deep down relate to each other a lot. When we're together, my worries simply disappear and I feel like I'm home. It's all thanks to him. I don't want it to be anyone else. At this point, I'm trying not to worry too much about whether he likes me back or not, because regardless of whether we end up together or not, as long as I'm allowed to love him, and as long as I can keep him by my side, I'm happy.

He slowly opens his eyes and glances at me. I grin at him. "Good Morning", I softly say and he rubs his eyes and stretches himself. "Morning. I hope you slept well, Sami", he says and I nod my head. "All thanks to you. Thanks for keeping me warm and safe last night." He grins and looks away nervously. "No worries. I'm gonna get ready right away. I want to meet up with Abby and quickly get it over with. I'm tired of having to worry about her." He explains and wraps the blanket around me before getting up and heading into the bathroom to get changed.

Before he leaves, he tells me when to come over to his place for dinner. I truly hope that him and Abby will be able to discuss this properly and Seb will be able to leave this situationship without complications. He's already been struggling enough thanks to all this. I stay in bed for a little longer before heading outside to take care of my animals.

Sam comes over as well to talk to me for a bit before heading back home to get ready for his trip. I tell him what Seb and I have planned for today and he sighs. "I'm so glad this is finally happening. Thank you, Sami. Thank you for being the last push he needed in order to step into the right direction. I truly hope everything goes well. I can't wait to get back and hear all about it!"

I'm so glad Sam is supportive of Seb's decision. I hope that, when all of this is over, Sam and Sebastian can finally be friends again without Abigail stepping between them. And of course I also want to spend more time with Seb alone, without us having to worry about another person. I'm positive things are changing for the better.

After a couple of hours, I head up to Sebastian's place. We meet up at the lake first to discuss how things went with Abigail. I see him sitting on the ground and plop down next to him. "How did it go?", I ask curiously, with a tint of anxiety hidden behind my words. Abigail is a very stubborn person. I'm scared she somehow manipulated Sebastian into switching to her side.

He takes a deep breath in. "This was probably the most stressful discussion I've ever had in my life. Even more than those I have with my mom and Demetrius. I tried my hardest to be calm and rational but she kept telling me to stop being an idiot. She told me she's the only one who knows what's best for me and the only one I should trust. She tried to convince me that you're a bad influence in my life. It all pissed me off so much that I snapped at some point. I got angry with her and gave her the same energy back and at some point she told me to get out and angrily shut the door behind me. But she got the message. If she attempts to sneak back into my life again, I won't go easy on her anymore.", he explains while looking at the water.

I grab his hand and gently rub it with my thumb. "I'm proud of you, Sebastian. You handled the situation very well. Do you need a short break before we head to dinner?". He nods his head and puts his hand in his jacket, trying to pull something out. Is he going to light another cigarette? He opens his hand to show me a piece of candy and throws it in his mouth. "My favorite flavor", he states and I laugh.

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